Chapter 15

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Unknown P.O.V

Both Chris and Alvera, have this heavy atmosphere around them. The chemistry, for the photo shoot today is bad they stood in front of the photographer. With, a blank expression and a stiff pose it made everything gone wrong they supposed to be professional towards this.

"The two of you, play around with the scene so you guys can look natural" the photographer said in monotone.

Alvera sigh, she detect herself from Chris and move around the place. While Chris,  still rooted on the ground I sigh they supposed to look like a loving couple in front of the camera.

"I need to get a fresh air" Alvera said. She walk, past Chris her skirt are following her swaying hips.

Chris sigh, he run through his style hair with his fingers. He pace, around the room he look like he was in a deep though.

Alvera P.O.V

What the hell, I'm going to do? of all days why I need to have a photo shoot with him today. Since, I'm still angry with him after what all he did to me.

I inhale and exhale slowly I enter the studio again. Chris, can't stop pacing around the crew is getting bored I sigh I walk towards him.

"Chris" I said with a bored tone.

He look at me and smile "Yeah?"

I sigh, I twirl the ends of my braided hair.

"Look, let's put this behind for the sake of the photo shoot"

He nod, he gave a signal to the photographer. He quickly, took his camera and look already professional.

"Let's act normal shall we?" his smile are still plastered on his face. There's a slight glint, of mischief in his eyes.

I nod, I sat on the scooter and he drop his knee in front of me with a rose on his hands. He smile, ear to ear I sweetly replied it the photographer are too absorb taking pictures. We stood up, and play around with the probs I keep blowing bubbles to him. He smirk, he kiss my cheeks I gasps in surprise he smile and hug me having the urge to push him away. I put, the best smile that I have and laugh along with him. We keep holding hands, laughing together and have a lot of body contact. I got to admit, I do miss him but my heart stills feels heavy to forgive him.

After a few hours, we are finished I push him away from me and quickly went to the changing room. After I changed, into my skinny jeans and tank top with matching shoes. I decided, to let my hair and makeup stay since it's was nice and natural. I took my bag, and walk out of the studio.

Some of the crews, wave or smile while I walking past them I just gave them a small smile. Not in the mood, to wave or something because I'm too tired and felt irritated by Chris the whole time.

"Alvera!" A male voice shouted. I turn around, Chris was walking towards me I quickly walk faster to my car.

But sadly, he caught my arm I whip my head and pull my arm away.

"Look, I told you-" He put his hand on my mouth blocking me from talking.

"Please, just listen to me this time" His blueish grey eyes are staring mine blue. He slowly, remove his hand.

"You only have five minutes to spare" I cross my arms on my chest. Looking at him to continue.

He exhale "Okay, I know you hate me because I'm a jerk to you I felt sorry on what I did to you. Yeah I know, sorry doesn't do the job or whatsoever but I felt guilty to what I just did because I want you to forgive me because deep down I miss you having around me" He blurted out.

I raised an eyebrow "What do mean, you miss me?"

He gulp, he shift his weight looking all uncomfortable. "I...miss messing around you?" He said looking unsure.

A small smirk, played on my lips decided to make fun of him "Why? did Mr Bad boy really like me?"

He avoid, looking at me in the eyes "Uh...obviously no who said I like you? Winefleid because of all girls why I need to like you?" He puffed his chest confidently.

I chuckle, he look at me with a werid expression and quickly change it into his signature smirk. "Wait, does it means you forgave me?"

I stroke my chin  "Hmm...let's see, a) you are annoying, b) you nearly kill my boyfriend and c)you are trying to brainwash me saying Andre is the bad guy in this whole thing"

He sigh in frustration "Yeah, I am a jerk and yes I almost killed him because he deserves to"

"Wow, I'm happy for you and let me clap for you because congratulations! big boy. If you don't, start this thing first the whole world is in peace aren't I right?" I snapped.

"There's no need, to be snappy Aloevera but whatever will you forgive me or not?" He look at me pleading.

I snort "You need, to deserve that in order me to forgive you so bye bye Mr bad boy" I quickly slide into my car and drove off.


I parked, my car in the garge I took my bag from the passenger seat and went out of the car. I walk pass, the living room my mom and dad are busy talking I decided not to eavesdrop but my curiosity took over me.

"Puto quod facturus? (Do think it will work?)" My mom said. I hear footsteps, back and forth.

"Mel ea indigent dum tempus nuptiarum se nosse ( It will honey, they need time to get to know each other during their marriage)" Dad sigh.

"Sed minor est uxorem filiam odisse atque inter utrumque ( But, our daughter is too young to get married and they are both hate each other) " Mom said worried.

Wait, I'm getting married? what the hell I'm just 16 years old. Are they, trying to get me married to a old dude or something?

I walk, behind them their backs are facing me mom and dad keep ranting about this stupid marriage thing.

"Mama Papa, who in world I need to get married to?" I tap my foot impatiently. They instantly, turn around with eyes popped out of their eyes sockets.

They look, each other like having a mind conversation. Their faces, relax abit well more to dad mom look worried as if like I'm gonna blow up anytime.

"Hey sweetheart, you came back" Mom said nervously.

"Yeah I'm here, nearly thirty minutes but whatever you haven't answer my question yet"

Dad sigh "Okay kiddo, relax we be discuss this with the Maxton later at dinner"

My eyes went wide "Wait what?! did you say Maxton?! then that means I'm getting married to Chris?!"

Dad nod "Of course, you need to get married to him not his little sister, Corissa" He stated like it was obvious.


"Now stop, take a go take a rest be down around seven" Mom gave me a pointed look.

"Fine" I grumble. I went, to my room and put my bag away. I remove, my makeup and wore my comfy shorts leaving my tank top on. I'm too lazy, to remove the braid. Since, today will be the 'Best' day that I ever had with full of Shit is going on my life. It was full surprises.



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