Chapter 18

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Chris P.O.V

I can't help, to let out a small chuckle as Alvera is glaring at me. My hands, won't able to stop touching her smooth legs. Alec and Ava are busy flirting to each other while Sean having a conversation with Joyce. Reece and Brian, are talking to Adien and Cody so I'm the only one who are teasing Alvera.

"Chris stop, it or else I'll kill you" Alvera said through gritted teeth. I shook my head "How about a no?"

She rolled her eyes and grumbles a few words under breath. She stood up, and left the cafeteria her friends look at her confused.

"What did you do to her this time?" Brian asked. I shrugged, my shoulders "Nothing, touching her legs that's all"

"You pervert, don't touch people's like you own it" Joyce rolled her eyes. I ignored, her and walk out of the cafeteria.

I saw her, walking on the hallways she plug her earphones in and starts singing 'Hello to cold world by paramore'

" It's such a cold, cold world and I can't get out, so I'll just make the best of everything .I'll never have, It's such a cold, cold world

and It's got me down, but I'll get right back up, as long as its spins around Hello cold world..." She sings out loud as she walk further away.

I look, at her amuse I didn't know that she has a beautiful voice. Her back was facing me as she move away. I followed, her quietly till it leads to the school's garden she stop singing and turn around. Her eyes, met mine she rolled her eyes and move away from me. I tail, her from behind she stop again and turn around she glare.

"What the hell, you want?!" She shouted. I gave, her a inconet look "Why, you hate me so much Aloevera?"

"Well, I just hate you because a) you're annoying b)you always stalk me and c)why you are following me?"

"Okay, one most girls will go crazy on me two, I'm not stalking you and three I'm just curious about you so I followed you here" I step forward, on every words she took a step back till her back are touching a tree.

"Get lost, I'm going to kill myself the day we get married" she hissed. It felt, like something stab on my heart when she said that. I quickly, put that in back the of my mind.

"Well too bad, we are going to get married and have children together. We will, live happily ever after " I said it with sarcasm. My face, are few inches away from her's.

"No, that's when my nightmares starts it's the day. I will, suffer because I know you're not good as Andre" her blue eyes are burning to mine grey.

"I'll treat, you better than him things will be fine if we are together" I said it clamly.

She scoff "Me? believe you will treat me right? oh please you are fu-"

I smash, my lips to her's she keep pushing me away but I wrap my arms around her waist and bring closer. Her body, is trapped between me and the tree I tried to deepen the kiss but she protests. I groan, and held her tight.

Alvera P.O.V

I tried, to push Chris away but his arms held me tight he tried to deepen the kiss. I flare, my nose and step his feet hard instantly he move away and held his foot in pain.

"Don't you dare, do that again" I gave him a hard stare and quickly left. I went, to the washroom and wash my lips with soap. Three freshmens, stood next to me with their eyes wide one of them was a blonde and the other is a brunette and the middle one has a jet black hair .

I took, some tissues and pat it dry I took my lipblam and reapply it. I stare, myself in the mirror the girls observe me every move and they keep giggling to each other.

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