Drunken! Kyungsoo

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: in which drunken Kyungsoo confessed to Chanyeol.


One chilly September night, Chanyeol asked Kyungsoo out for a drink which the smaller agreed happily. The two celebrities went to a small shop which contained less people. As the month was quite tired for Kyungsoo, he drank more than he could and ended up wasted. Chanyeol knew his mate could not be able to make his way home back so he controlled himself from drinking too much.

The walk back home was not quiet as the smaller was rambling some (un)important things. Chanyeol laughed at the smaller's attitude, as he had never seen him acting like that before.

"Chanyeol." Kyungsoo suddenly said and when Chanyeol turned around he realised that the smaller had not keeping his pace with his.


"Carry me." Kyungsoo statement made both Chanyeol and his heart froze.

"You perfectly walked fine, look at you." He let out a deep chuckle, trying to ease the thick atmosphere or maybe the cloud in his brain, and the abnormal beating of his heart.

"I'm not!" Kyungsoo pouted, half shouting.

"I guess so." Chanyeol let out another chuckle as he looked at the sulking penguin.

"Woah! Yeollie I'm gonna fall!" The smaller pretended to fall, lying on his side on the ground. A scene that paparazzi would really love to took several pictures of.

"Okay. I give up." The taller waved his hands above his head and approached the smaller who carelessly lying on the ground with open arms. "Let's get you home before anyone see you." He picked up the smaller in a bridal style and proceeded to walked towards their dorm.

"Yeollie." Kyungsoo said, throwing his arms around the wide broad shoulder and snuggling his face in the crooked of the giant's neck. "You smell just like Yeollie." Chanyeol remained silent. "My Yeollie." Kyungsoo said again. "I love you."

Chanyeol almost dropped the man on his arms. "What?!" He yelled out, not loud enough to catch others' attention.

"Hush!" The smaller put his finger on the giant's lips. "Chanyeol might heard." Kyungsoo tighten his grip around the taller's male as he looked around and back to the taller's eyes. "I really love Chanyeol. His scent, his smile, his ascent, his attitude and his behaviour. Everything about him is perfect. He smelled just like you." For a moment Chanyeol thought the latter was asleep because he kept quiet. "No! You smelled just like him." He suddenly shouted into the taller's ear, that made him jumped and almost drop the smaller.

Chanyeol let out a hearty chuckle, "You love him that much?" He asked, although he knew the latter would forget anyway. Teasing Kyungsoo became his habit.

"Ne~~~ But, shhh! Don't tell him. He can not know. If he does I'll be dead." Kyungsoo started to sob out of nowhere, then continued, "I have been scolding at him and telling him that I hate him all the time but, but..." He sniffed several times, "...it's all because I love him too much and I'm scared if he knows he'll hate me."

"How can you be so wasted that you can not remember the love of your life." Chanyeol mumbled under his breath and continued the journey on, lifting the smaller a little closer.

"We arrived!" Chanyeol happily exclaimed as he put down the younger in his room, on his feet. "Do you still need my-" Kyungsoo butt almost hit the ground. Chanyeol quickly grabbed his arms and laid the smaller on the bed. Right, he was so wasted.

"Eh!" He let out an yelp as he got a smack on his butt by the drunken man.

"Bastard!" Kyungsoo slurred out. "I told you I love you!" He shouted making the taller jumped a little.

"Yes you do." He chuckled again. He never thought Kyungsoo would get such a side like this.

"Bastard! Do you know how many days have I spent practicing just to tell you that?!" He shouted between his hiccup. "I even get drunk just to tell you that."

"Oh!" Chanyeol formed an 'O' sign with his mouth. "At least you remember me now." He sighed.

"So?" The smaller asked, making a puppy eye. Even if he's drunk, he's still cute. Much more cuter.

"So?" Chanyeol repeated.

"Aren't you gonna say you love me back?" Kyungsoo snorted furiously, trying to slap the taller's butt again, but due to his lack of control his hand landed on the thigh.

"Ahhh..." Chanyeol stayed silent for a moment.

"Fuck off." Kyungsoo muttered as he turn on his side and faced the wall. "Betrayal." He huffed.

"Awe, Kyungie~" Chanyeol woo in adornment. "You look like a kick-penguin." He teased.

"I hate you." Kyungsoo snapped, showing his middle finger up to the taller.

"But I love you." Chanyeol pouted, bending down near to the smaller's face.

"Yah! Yah! Don't come that close!" The smaller got a little sobered, his face heating up.

"Saranghaeyo Kyungsoo-yah~~" Chanyeol snuggled under the smaller's arm and positioned himself in the bed.

"I'll kiss you if you do that again." Kyungsoo warned, pushing himself far away from the taller.

"I'd love to!" Chanyeol squealed in excitement.

"Oh, how much I hate you Park-hmpphfff..." Kyungsoo couldn't finish his words as his lips was crashed into the lips he has been craving for. Yes, the taller had connected their lips!



"I hate you."

"I love you too."

"Does this change our status?"

"If you want."

"I love you."

"I thought you hate me."

"Yeah. I love you too much that I hate you."

Chanyeol kiss the life out of Kyungsoo, again.

The night contain some moans, Fuck you's, Daddy, harder, and sooooo much cracking of bed.

It was the toughest night for Baekhyun, who was lying on the upper bed, as he tried his best not to let out his giggles and laughs.

"Nighty, Kyungie."


Uhhh... Speechless.

IT'S SHORT. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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