Like An Old Married Couple II

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When Monday rolls in and Chanyeol and Kyungsoo arrives at the school in Chanyeol's car, Jongdae and Baekhyun act like those "silent" weeks hadn't happened, nor do they ask questions. They greet the two with a simple "good morning ". Chanyeol is a bit suspicious because both Baekhyun and Jongdae are loud mouth and he expects a lot of questions. Especially, Baekhyun, afterall he's the one whom Chanyeol told everything.

However, as days pass by and turn into weeks, the tension between Kyungsoo and Chanyeol dies down and the kiss incident is pushed back aside. The two men go back to their usual bickering, much to everyone dismay. But, however for Baekhyun and Jongdae, as much as they hate to listen them fighting over a small thing, it's delightful that their two friends go back to their usual selves.

One afternoon, when Kyungsoo and Chanyeol walk out from the cafe near the school after having lunch, a man runs towards them with an woman shouting for help and take her purse back from the man. Kyungsoo frowns at the running man, trying to say something to his partner just to realise Chanyeol is running after the man.

"No. Not again." Kyungsoo sighs before running after Chanyeol.

The man is fast, and equally Chanyeol is, but Kyungsoo, with his short and plump legs he can't quite catch up the two. At last, Chanyeol jumps on the man and tackles him down on ground. The man fists out a knife, trying to stab Chanyeol, but with good reflexes Chanyeol dodges it and twists the man's arm. The man lets out a painful groan, trying to escape out of Chanyeol's headlock. Kyungsoo reaches them breathlessly as he takes in as much air as he can, he frowns at Chanyeol who is busy trying to keep the man down on the ground.

"You are stupid!" Is the first thing Kyungsoo says when his breathing becomes normal. "Idiot. Animal! You have no brain!"

Chanyeol grins back at him, "Call the cops, babe."

Kyungsoo stops for a moment, 'babe', it's not a word that is foreign between the two. They used to call each other 'babe' a lot, it's Kyungsoo who started it, he thought it's cool. But, ever since the kiss incident they dropped it, never bring out again. However, Chanyeol seems to think it's better to bring it back. Great. Just great.

Kyungsoo calls the cop, and the bag owner comes and takes it. Kyungsoo drags Chanyeol back to school after they hand the man to the cops. Kyungsoo is silent and Chanyeol throws glances towards him, wondering why Kyungsoo is silent. Chanyeol expects a lots of words, complains and remarks.

Chanyeol looks at Kyungsoo who is sighing, closing his eyes, then palming his face. He knows that gestures, it's the one when Kyungsoo wants to say something but contemplating whether it's best to say or not.

"Hey, hey." Chanyeol finally lets out, "You know what? Let it go." Kyungsoo gives him a sharp look. "Whatever it is, let it out."

So, Kyungsoo stops, stands before him and takes a deep breath. "You are so stupid! You went after a guy who has a knife. Have you ever thought if it's a wise thing to run after someone who stole an woman's bag and has a knife in his grip? Have you ever thought what would happen if the guy is some crazy ninja and slice your throat open with that knife?!"

"It's just a pocket knife!"

"Why is your mouth open? Don't talk while I am! Stop." Kyungsoo waves his hand in front of Chanyeol's lips. Chanyeol preses his lips in a tight line and gestures for Kyungsoo to continue. "Can't you leave that job to the cops? Wait until more people see him and catch him? Huh? That woman, she can call the police for herself, can't she? You don't need and try to be a hero, Batman, Rambo, whatever, and show off like that, running after a robber! What is the matter with you?!"

Chanyeol nods along Kyungsoo words, trying to opens his mouth but as Kyungsoo glares and gestures him to shut up, he closes them again.

"I know you used to be a cop, but not anymore! See, you're a school teacher and if that man, if he stabbed you what would happen to the students?! Their education?! What would happen to Kyungja?! She wouldn't talk to me for days and would blame me because I didn't save your sore ass!"

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