Hit me, but it felt like a Kiss

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When it is Chanyeol's smile and a sweet good morning follows by a morning kiss on the lips is how Kyungsoo wakes up and the first thing he sees in the morning, it's a sweet and wonderful day.

There are some mornings when he wakes up in the couch, or bed, alone. Or, at the sound of objects hitting the walls, or he, himself being pulled out from wherever he was sleeping. There are some nights he needed to sleep with bruises on his face, or on his torso.

Because Chanyeol is also a human, a man, he has his own mood. Sometimes, when his mood is good, or better perfect, they would have a sweet moments. Like, kissing or if the taller is in the mood and Kyungsoo presses the right button, they often end up in a bed, moaning and pleasuring.

But, there are some times when Chanyeol is in a bad mood and hit Kyungsoo. A punch in the face, or a kick on the stomach and ribs, sometimes a stomp on the legs. But, Kyungsoo is okay with all of them. Because he knows Chanyeol is a man too, who hold so many things in his hands. He is a celebrity, and lots of people are following him around, trying to catch his attention, wants his signature and taking tons of pictures of him.

Kyungsoo completely understands when Chanyeol lands a square punch on his face, because it means he says something at the wrong time in the wrong place. Or, either because he asks too many questions and talks too much nonsense that make Chanyeol irritated.

If Chanyeol comes in the apartment they share with a loud bang of door followed him, he would ask "what's the matter, Chanyeol?" And Chanyeol would glare at him before shoving him against the adjacent wall with his hand wraps tight around Kyungsoo's neck. Chanyeol would growl "I'm tired of their nonsense already and I am not in the mood to deal with your stupid questions!" And he would stomp in the bedroom with a fierce close of the door.

When that time comes, Kyungsoo is clever or experienced enough to sleep in the couch that night and know better for him to never open his mouth again until Chanyeol tell him to. That is always their routine if Chanyeol is in one of his bad moods. Kyungsoo never dare to ask a single question again, because Chanyeol is a man and he can be angry too.

If Chanyeol beats him, that means Kyungsoo deserves it. Either it's because he talks too much, or asks too many unnecessary questions. Chanyeol never done something without any good reasons. Kyungsoo knew when to shut up, or when to talk. But sometimes he is too lost in the moment that he says more than necessary and makes Chanyeol angry which often caused him to sleep in the couch.

"I think-"

"You talk too much."

If Chanyeol says Kyungsoo talks too much, then he is. Even if Kyungsoo doesn't say nothing more than two words, he is still talking too much if Chanyeol says so. Chanyeol is an aggressive, possessive types of person. When comes to his properties, he's like a dog. He marks his areas, he never let the intruders in.

Even in their worst fight, Chanyeol won't allow anyone to be near Kyungsoo. Chanyeol would growl and threaten away those who tried to be near to Kyungsoo, even if they are elders or not. Chanyeol is possessive and Kyungsoo likes it. Very much. Even if it sometimes make him to apologise profusely to others.

Even when he knows Chanyeol sleeps with others during their little break up's, he still cares about Chanyeol and always forgives him when Chanyeol comes and apologise. Kyungsoo still cares about Chanyeol even if he breaks his tiny heart many times, even if it can't be stick together again. Kyungsoo cares, loves, is in love with the taller too much that sometimes he hurts himself.

Kyungsoo knows how to numb his pain when comes to Chanyeol, even if the pain is severe and can never maybe heal again, he knows how to if it's about Chanyeol. Chanyeol has cheated on him many times, gets drunk and sleeps with others, a one single apology from Chanyeol always melts Kyungsoo's heart and makes him fall back in Chanyeol's arms again.

Those girls or boys who used to date Chanyeol or hook up with him before, they don't deserve the man. None of them deserves Chanyeol because they would leave him easily, one single raise voice, a smirk, and a single out burst of anger, they would run away. They always ran away because they can't handle Chanyeol, his moods. But, Kyungsoo can, he never left Chanyeol and he has no intention of doing so. He belongs beside Chanyeol, he knows that. He knows Chanyeol needs someone, who won't leave him or run away from him. Someone who would always stay by his side even in worst state.

Kyungsoo always claims himself as Chanyeol, always reminds Chanyeol who he belongs to. Always moans out he is Chanyeol's and will always be, even if Chanyeol doesn't ask him. Whenever they make love or get in a heated kiss, he always moans out he is only Chanyeol's and it is Chan who he belongs to. Chanyeol seems to like the statement as well, because everytime Kyungsoo says it, he is rewarded with a sweet hard kiss or a spank on the butt.

Kyungsoo blinks his eyes open, taking in the morning sun. Chanyeol's glistening eyes are looking down at him, and there's a big hand resting on his right face. Chanyeol looks best when morning rays hit him on the face, and smiling down at Kyungsoo like that, his white marble teeth reflecting the nature and his eyes showing so many emotions that he rarely showed. No, Chanyeol always looks best whenever, wherever or whatever he's doing, he always looks best and sometimes it hurts Kyungsoo. Sometimes Kyungsoo aches and cries because how this perfect man can choose him, he's nowhere perfect for Chanyeol. But, the man always come back to him even if they drift apart, even if Chanyeol has so many people he can sleep with he'd go tired of them and returned to Kyungsoo all the time. That's why Kyungsoo knows that Chanyeol loves him too, maybe not as much as Kyungsoo loves him, but it's enough for Kyungsoo.

Then, Chanyeol caresses and runs his finger around Kyungsoo's cheekbone, where the man, himself, has punched on the previous morning and now formed an ugly purple bruise. Chanyeol's finger presses a little hard on it, but Kyungsoo doesn't wince because Chanyeol touch always feels like a feather.

"Does it hurt?" Chanyeol whispers.

Kyungsoo shakes his head as he smiles up to the man, "No, it doesn't hurt."

Because it doesn't, it never hurts. Because every punch feels like a kiss to him. Every hit feels like a kiss, like an adoration to Kyungsoo. Because Chanyeol is the love of his life, and he will never hurt Kyungsoo, physically or mentally even if the mab tried to.

Because Love is stronger than Hurt.


So, apparently it's Abusive Chanyeol and soft Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo is such a softie and big heart. And is madly in love with Chanyeol. They say love is blind, don't they? Or, maybe in my opinion, it's the persons who are in love are blind, not the love itself.

This is more like a drabble.

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