Flirting 101 (by Oh Sehun)

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Kyungsoo practically drags Sehun by the neck and shoves him inside the stall before he himself jumps in and locks the door. There's a short, tense moment as the tap is turned on, and then off, and then the hand dryer, before the footsteps finally fades away and Kyungsoo slowly puffs out the breath he was holding.

However, his relief was short lived as he heard shuffling coming from behind him. Where Oh Sehun, the ever persistent, a quite literal embodiment of question mark, was standing. Because Kyungsoo, in his panic, has grabbed the surprised, confused Oh Sehun before shoving both of them into the nearest stall. All to avoid one person.

"Kyungsoo hyung, were you hiding from Park Chanyeol?" Sehun asks, innocently. Kyungsoo wants to break the door open and bolt.

"None of your business." He attempts to brush his question off, as if you could ever brush Oh Sehun's inquisitivieness. The boy knows what he wants, and he has the patience to ask until he gets it.

Sehun's eyebrows rise up, never a good sign, before he snaps his fingers and a metphorical light bulb appears above his head. "I see. So, you like Chanyeol." It's a statement and they both know it.

"What are you, stupid?" Kyungsoo huffs, as indignantly as he can make himself to be, before he opens the door and stalks out of the stall and out the bathroom all together.

However, Sehun is hot on his heels, which is to be expected. Oh Sehun sets his eye on a prey and he won't leave until he sucks every secret out of Do Kyungsoo.

He shouldn't have dragged Sehun along, Kyungsoo chastises himself, it was an oversight in a moment of panic, a poor judgment. It was just that Park Chanyeol has suddenly appeared, coming through the bathroom door and straight to the urinal, failing to notice Kyungsoo standing in front of one of the stalls, and Oh Sehun has just left the one right behind Kyungsoo. So, in a momentary lapse of judgment, Kyungsoo has grabbed onto Sehun's shirt and dragged him into the stall. A stupid mistake, Kyungsoo keeps telling himself. Now Oh Sehun will bother him for the rest of his days, if Kyungsoo can even hold it together for that long.

"I knew it!" Sehun snaps his fingers again, but now rather triumphantly. Kyungsoo hates how Sehun's casually strolling beside him while he, himself, is struggling, taking as big a step as his legs allow him to, a futile attempt at outpacing Sehun. "Everyone says you hate him, but I always beg to differ. Not literally, of course. Anyways, when you look at him, the only thing I saw in your eyes is stars."

"What stars, my ass. I swear to God, Sehun, if you go around spreading rumours, you know my feet can very well reach your ass."

"So you admit it, then? You like Park Chanyeol, the school sensational Class A Idiot." Sehun smirks.

"You didn't wash your hands." Kyungsoo comments with a grimace.

Sehun waves the very hands around as if it doesn't matter. "Forget about that. I can help you, you know. Whether it be catching his attention, or asking him out on a date."

This time, Kyungsoo doesn't even try to say anything. Instead, he stomps on Sehun's right foot, hard, and stalks away from him, still fuming, hunching in himself, embarrassed.

Sehun jumpes around in pain, but the embodiment of annoyance that he is, still calls after Kyungsoo, "If you changed your mind, you know how to contact me! I don't mind house visits either!"

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