#6: Sorting Issues (Harry Styles)

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"Have you ever been so happy that you cried, Anne?"

I shot him a puzzled look.

"What?" But his question did spark an interest in me. "Let me think."

My mind set into overdrive trying to recollect any memory of what my boyfriend was so casually referring to.

"Can't think of anything right now. Why?"

"I was talking to your father yesterday. He told me about his transfer to Tibet, when you were four and how he managed the military medical recovery missions there and his family back home."

"It was a tough time," I sighed highly irritated. I was in quite a good mood and you can gladly thank this cheeky boy underneath the curly mop of brown hair for ruining it all. "However that still doesn't explain your question."

"He told me, had he refused the job and stayed back, your family would have been intact-"

"But he chose to leave us. I know." My tone conveyed plain fury and annoyance. "So what?"

"He was just talking about the time you were born. When he held you for the first time, he cried. Because, he said you looked angelic." I blinked irrationally at him. "You had your mothers nose and eyes-"

"That squint when I laugh, just like him." I placed my head on Harry's chest and wrapped my arms over his waist, as we laid in bed cuddling. "If he loved me so much why'd he leave?"

"I don't know. People make mistakes, Anne. And everyone deserves a second chance."

I raised my head and instead, straddled him. Looking into his perfect green eyes, I was quite intrigued by what had been playing behind them. Why was he talking about my dad all of a sudden?

"He left me. His choice."

Harry cupped my cheeks and planted a feather light kiss on my pointy nose.

"He's here now. He wants to know his daughter."

"But Harry," I trailed off. Being unsure of what to add and argue, since his words held reason and mine? Not so much. I was acting like a rebellious sixteen year old daughter who hated her dad for restrictions but in reality I hated him for abandoning his family.

"Trust me, kitten. He came back. That's enough proof that he's here to stay. This won't be like the last."

"What if he leaves again. This one will pain more." I rested my face in his neck, unable to bear his stare. "I don't want to talk. I'm tired."

Harry pulled me towards him and tightened his grip.

"Me too. Let's just sleep." He kissed me one last time before we drifted off.


I woke up with Harry's eyes on me. I struggled to open my lids and spoke,"You clearly are the definition of creepy, Mr. Styles."

"Couldn't help." I giggled. "Did you sleep well, though?"

"Yes, why?" I asked a little too warily. Judging by the looks he so shamelessly displayed, I could tell what his next move would be.

And he didn't prove me wrong.

He rolled to lay on me and kissed me once. I pushed him, laying my palms flat on his toned chest and pried myself apart.

Contorting my face in disgust, I yelled, "You smell like a pig died in your mouth."

"Don't flatter yourself, sweetheart. You seem much the same."

I huffed and rolled over so he couldn't kiss me anymore and closed my eyes, pretending to fall asleep again.

"Hey, I was kidding," he tried to make an innocent voice come out of his still-husky throat. "Let me love you, kitten. Please?"

His words came out as a jumbled and messed up request and I could have sworn that the last word was a moan. He clearly was trying to seduce me.

"Not until you apologise," since I was having my way here, why not enjoy what I can?

"How about I make you feel how sorry I am?"

I opened my eyes to look at him again,"That's not a bad idea."

He rolled away to lay flat on the bed and whispered,"Sit on me."

I complied and straddled him. He chuckled in return.

"On my face, silly."

Even after he gave me full instruction, I eyed him with bare confusion.

"But I've never done that before," I stuttered.

"Then now's not a bad time to try. So hurry up."

I did as told and straddled his face. He grabbed my hips from both sides and steadied me. Then, he let one hand trail down and pull my panty to a side. I was in a white tank top and pink panties, one that he was currently pushing aside. I giggled a little when I felt his hot breath tickle me. Sure, I had let him eat me out before but the position was new.

He shot me a glance once before he pushed me down a little and I could feel his tongue stroke my folds. He licked up and down, from the start of my slit to my hole and slurped my juices up. I felt him shuffle beneath me a little so he could dig his nose in my clit and let his tongue enter me. He pressed against the inside in a mesmerising new angle and I loved it.

He continued to let his tongue unravel me as I felt surges of pleasure ripple through me. Getting bored quite easily, he moved down to latch his mouth around my clit and give it harsh inexcusable sucks. It made me writhe above it for my knees that helped me keep my place, were starting to feel like jelly.

Out of nowhere, he inserted a finger while still sucking on my sensitive nub and I cried out at the stretch his fingers created. He pumped them in an out and soon enough I felt myself driven over the edge.

I clenched my muscled around his fingers and he moaned at my actions. Helping me ride my high out, I toppled over and lay on him as I fought to catch my breath.

"That was amazing," was all my senses could manage to mutter as I closed my eyes feeling tired again.

"Do you love me?" He asked as he too was breathing higher than normal. I chuckled and looked over to him.

"What sort of a question is that?"

"Just answer me." I nodded at him. "Then do this for me." He got to up hand me the phone and I instantly knew what he meant.

Taking it from him, I dialled a number, my memory had now come to store.

"Dad?" I shot Harry a look. "How about lunch today?"

As my father muttered an affirmation on his end, I silently thanked Harry considering I needed this. And him. Harry was exquisite and understood me in ways I couldn't. It probably wouldn't even make sense, because it even doesn't to me, but he's special.

And I love him, more than anything.


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