Chapter 6: Auditions, Dance Assigments and Rehearsals

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At precisely 5:00 PM, Abby and Andrew both left Studio A while the girls were stretching to get ready for the first rehearsals of the season as they both walked to the exit to greet the dancers that were going to audition.

"Ready to meet the new dancers, sweetie?" Abby asked her son as she held his hand as they approached the door.

"I can't wait and i'm Ready, willing and able, mom." Andrew replied as he walked toward the door with Abby to meet the dancers and he couldn't wait to work with whoever was the last dancer standing.

"Hello dancers!" Abby greeted as she and Andrew came outside to greet the dancers who waved at the dance teacher and her son. "Today you are here for an audition to replace Vivi-Anne Stein and me and my son so glad that so many people came today because there is a line around the building."

"We're looking forward to seeing some amazing, talented people in the studio. So break a leg and remember, the last dancer standing will be a part of my mom's studio, the Abby Lee Dance Company. Also, your spot is not to be taken lightly because like my mom always says, everyone's replaceable." Andrew stated.

Then the parents all went up to the observation room aka the viewing room to watch their children audition for Abby because even tough she could be tough, she has a soft side as they're dancing and following Gianna's steps. Some dancers miss some steps and Abby and Andrew cut them.

"They're all good dancers, but if you had to choose which dancer that would be a good fit on the elite dance team, who would it be?" Abby asked her son as she and Andrew were watching the dancers do the required dance lead by Gianna.

"I predict that Dancer #230 will be the last dancer standing." Andrew replied to his mother, looking at the brunette dancer, who's around 9 and after an hour of dancing, four dancers were left.

"To the four dancers, only three can step forward when your number is called. So can numbers #201, #479 and #230 please come forward?" Andrew said as the three dancers walked forward.

"Payton, we know what you're thinking, why wasn't my number called? You know we love you, but however you're too tall and are not right for this competition team. So we're gonna have to let you go." Abby explained.

Payton looked crushed as she looked at Abby and Andrew, but knew they were right and then she left and walked into the den as Leslie was watching her daughter get cut in the observation room.

"Are you kidding me? that's really unfair!" Leslie griped.

"I know you don't want to hear this, but you heard it from Abby, Payton is too tall." Kelly told her.

"Can they put her on the team in another way?" Leslie asked.

"Well, we're down to the final three, but we can choose only one of you to join the team." Andrew told them, then turned to Abby. "Mom, who is the lucky one to join your competition team?"

"To #201 and #479, i hate to break the bad news, but we have to let you go." Abby stated as the two dancers that were cut nodded, which means that they were grateful for the chance to audition.

"So #230 we've got one thing to say to you.....WELCOME TO THE TEAM!" Abby and Andrew both exclaimed as the girls ran over and hugged their new teammate, who's name is Kendall Vertes and her mother's name is Jill and even the moms come downstairs and welcome her.

"Kendall, this is a legacy that you're officially a part of and it's not gonna be easy, you're gonna have to work hard so for the first several weeks, you'll be on probation." Andrew explained.

"And Jill, we have a competition in three days, so she's gonna have to be prepared." Abby told Jill.

"Ok." Jill simply said.

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