Chapter 13: Andrew and Gianna's first date

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At around 6:00 PM, Andrew was in his hotel room and he had just gotten out of the shower and had washed his hair and put his usual hair gel on, put his hair in a ponytail and headed to the closet to see what would be good to wear on his date with Gianna because they had planned it at 3:00 PM.

"What to wear, what to wear?" Andrew said to himself because he wanted to look good, then after a few minutes of deciding, he pulled out a black cardigan buttoned sweater for men, silk white shirt matching slacks and boat shoes.

He then left his hotel room and headed to his mother's hotel room. He knocked on the door and the door opened and standing there was Abby, who had changed into a black ALDC shirt and yoga pants.

"Hey, mom." Andrew said as he entered his mother's room.

"Hi, Andrew. What's going on?" Abby asked.

"How do i look for my first date with Gia?"

"You look terrific!" Abby complimented her son.

"Thanks, I'm gonna head to the Lobby to wait for Gia." Andrew said as he then approached the door

"Have fun on your date with Gianna!" Abby called to her son as he headed to the elevator and he gave a thumbs up as to say okay.

A minute later, Andrew was sitting in the lobby of the Plaza Hotel just waiting for his girlfriend to arrive and to pass the time, he read a magazine.


Andrew turned his head to the right and his jaw slammed to the ground as he saw Gianna in a blue dress, she looked like a model that could put other models to shame.

"You look beautiful, Gia." Andrew said, seeing his girlfriend looking beautiful.

"Thanks, Andy. You look really handsome." Gianna replied, seeing her boyfriend in his button up sweater, slacks and shoes. "You ready?"

"Ready when you are."

"Where do you want to head first?" Gianna asked as she and Andrew both exited the hotel to start their first date as a couple.

"Do you want to see the rockettes? i got tickets earlier today."

"Sure, let's do it!"

Then the two took a train from the hotel to Radio City Music Hall and they entered and showed their tickets to the ticket person and they sat down in the front row and after the show they were talking about it when they left.

"That show was amazing! i bet Chloe would love to be a rockette someday!" Andrew stated.

"Yes it was, and hopefully someday we'll come to see Chloe on that stage with the rockettes." Gianna agreed.

"Where to next?" Asked Andrew.

"Do you want to have dinner at Applebee's? it's only 4 minutes from here." Gianna suggested.

"We can do that, because to be honest, i'm getting kinda hungry."

"Sure, i'm getting kind of hungry."

They arrived at the Applebee's that was a 4 minute walk from Radio City Music Hall, Andrew opened and held the door open to let Gianna enter first, then he entered next and headed to the counter.

"Table for two, please."

"Right this way." The hostess walked them to a table underneath a TV and on it was Sportscenter and they were watching highlights of the World Series between the Texas Rangers and the St. Louis Cardinals.

"Who do you think will win the world series?" Andrew asked.

"I'll say the Cardinals in 7 games." Gianna predicted

"Me too. What do you think will happen in Solo Week this upcoming week?"

"Who knows, maybe one of the moms to give you and your mom a hard time?"

"Let's see what happens when the day comes." Andrew replied as the waiter walked up to the table.

"Hi, my name is Sam and i'll be your waiter today. What can i get you two to drink?"

"I'll have a pepsi, sir."

"We'll share the Boneless Wings as an appetizer."

"Ok, and are you ready to order?" The waiter then asked them in a friendly tone.

"What do you want to do, Gia? If you want to order now, you can order first."

"Let's order now."

"Ok, what do you guys want?"

"You go first, Gia." Andrew suggested.

"Oriental Chicken Salad and Chicken Freshcado." Gianna said.

"Ok, what about you, Sir?"

"7 oz. House Sirloin and the Chicken Tenders Basket." Andrew

said, smiling as the waiter wrote down their orders and walked away to serve another table.

"You know Andrew, you have the most handsome smile. Because whenever you flash that smile, it makes you look even more handsome."

"Thanks Gia, you look very pretty." Andrew stated as he smiled and it made Gianna blush when she sees him smile.

"Awww, you're so sweet."

Then 20 minutes, the waiter brought their food to their table and they began to eat slowly. Andrew ate with his mouth closed as Gianna smiled at her boyfriend's good manners, she knew that Abby taught him well.

After Andrew paid the bill to show that he was courteous, they left Applebee's and they were full from eating and while they were walking through Times Square, Gianna got a little cold, so Andrew took of his sweater and put it on her so she could be warm.

Then they jumped aboard a Subway train that would take them back to the hotel and it only took them a couple of minutes to get to the hotel and they arrived at the entrance of the Plaza Hotel.

"I had an amazing time tonight, Andrew. that was an amazing first date." Gianna said as they entered the hotel and sitting in the lobby was Abby, who was talking to Kelly.

"Hey, you two. How was your date?" Abby asked Andrew and Gianna as they sat down.

"It was amazing! I am so happy when i am with him." Gianna said.

"Can you fill us in?" Kelly asked them, Gianna looked at her boyfriend to signal to him that he can tell the story.

"First, we went to Radio City Music Hall and saw the Rockettes and it was a great show! then we went to dinner at Applebee's and then we walked through times square aka the show of lights at night and i noticed that Gia was getting cold, so i gave her my sweater so she could be warm."

"Awww, that's sweet of you Andrew!" Abby smiled as she said that, she was glad to have a son that had good manners.

"What have you been up to while we were gone?" Gianna asked.

"Well, Me and Kelly have just been sitting here talking, Christi, Jill and Melissa were getting a drink while Holly was in her room. Chloe and Paige were in Chloe's room just watching a movie with the other girls." Abby explained.

Then through the night, they were all just talking and sharing a laugh, then Andrew yawned, signaling that he was Tired. So they all headed to their rooms to call it a night.

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