Chapter 11: Sightseeing in NYC

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Around 8:00 AM on that friday, the plane that Abby, Andrew, Gianna, the moms and the girls were on had just landed at John F. Kennedy intl Airport and they got their bags and got into their cabs, which are vans and then a limo passed by.

"Taxi, follow that car!" Andrew joked, pointing at the Limo as the cab driver just chuckled as even Abby and the moms had to laugh when he said that, no wonder why everybody in the studio called him the comic relief.

"Pretty Original!" Chortled Kelly.

"Real Mature!" Christi laughed as the Van they were in pulled out first and the one behind them with Gianna and the girls in was following them as Andrew was taking pictures of the wonders of new york city.

Minutes later, the two cabs arrived at the Plaza Hotel, a nice landmark hotel that was built in 1907, they got out of the cabs, got their bags and walked inside and it was a wonderous sight as it looked grand and classy, then Andrew and Abby walked to the front desk and got everyone checked in, their rooms were on the 7th floor. They would be next to each other and across the hall. The ALDC crew got on the elevator and when it reached the 7th floor, they all headed to their rooms.

Around Noon, Andrew was in his room and he was on his Laptop, checking his facebook and listening to music on RealPlayer and the song that was playing was Young Turks by Rod Stewart, then a knock on the door was heard. He got up from his chair and walked to the door and opened it to reveal Abby standing there.

"Hi, mom."

"Hi, Andrew." Abby replied to the greeting from her son as she entered his hotel room and sat down on the bed.

"What are you planning on doing today in NYC?" Andrew asked.

"I thought that i would be nice if we both could have a day together, you know, just to spend some quality Mother and Son time." Abby suggested.

"Sure, i always love spending time with people that i love, but i always love to hang out with you." Andrew said as he grabbed his phone, keycard and camera and they left the hotel room and headed to the elevator.

"That's why i love you, you always love spending time with me and i always love spending time with you. So where do you want to head to first? It's your choice."

"How about we go to the rockefeller center?" He suggested. "I wanna ride that elevator with the see through glass."

"Great idea, Andrew!" Abby agreed as they exited the elevator and headed outside and saw the traffic and headed down fifth avenue until reaching 49th street and they saw the building. "There it is."

"That is a huge building." Andrew stated as Abby then took his hand and they walked over to the line, which only took 3 minutes for them and after they got their passes to the top, they entered the elevator, which had the glass roof and then when the doors closed, it moved up fast to the top floor and during the ride, an interactive show was seen on the glass above them.

"I didn't know they had a interactive show on this elevator." Abby said as she looked at the lights during the interactive show.

"It's amazing, isn't it?"

"I agree."

Then they reached the top floor aka the observation deck and the skyline from that view was awesome because you could see everything from there.

"Mom, do you feel that we're on top of the world?" Andrew asked his mother as they both looked at the skyline of New York City, it was a sight to behold and it was also breathtaking.

"I sure do." Abby affectionately said as she put an arm around her son's neck. "Hey, how about we take a picture together?"

"Sure thing!" Andrew turned on his Nikon digital camera and they took a self picture with the backdrop of the Manhattan Skyline.

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