Chapter 10: Off Day

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It was a thursday morning at Andrew's house and it was the day before Abby, Andrew and the girls were gonna head to New York City for a competition and Abby had given them the day off.

Andrew was just sitting down, watching old episodes of Dance Moms and in one episode, he and Abby were arguing with Christi and then he heard his stomach growl, so he pulled out his cell phone call his mother, and after two rings, Abby answered.

"Hello?" Abby said over the phone.

"Hi, Mom." Andrew stated

"Hey, sweetheart, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing good. Are you busy today, Mom? because i thought we could go to lunch today."

"Sure, i'm kinda hungry too and i'll bring Chloe, Paige and Gianna along with us, is that ok with you?"

"That's ok with me, Mom." Andrew said, then he got up from watching TV and decided to get ready for lunch with Abby, Gianna, Chloe and Paige. He put on some sneakers, jogging pants and a shirt that said Dancing in the reign and as he stepped out of the house, his mom's car pulled up and in the car with her was Chloe, Paige and Gianna.

"Hey, Andrew!" Chloe greeted the younger Miller as he got in the car.

"Hey, there! you ready to roll?"

"You know it!" Paige said as Abby drove towards the Chili's so they can eat.

They arrived at Chili's 22 minutes later after leaving Andrew's house and parked close to the entrance and got out of the car and walked inside and were seated near a TV and on it was the Marlins vs the Cubs. The Marlins were leading 9-8 as the waiter then came up to their table.

"Hi, my name is Pete and i'll be your waiter." He said in a friendly tone. "What would you guys like to drink?"

"I'll have a Coca Cola with no ice, please." Andrew said, then the waiter turned to Abby.

"I'll have water, please." Abby stated on what she wanted to drink.

"Sprite, please." Gianna simply said.

"I'll have Coca Cola too." Paige said

"I'll have what she and andrew are having." Chloe added, knowing that she wanted Coca Cola like Andrew and Paige and then they told him they'll skip the appetizers and head straight to the main course.

"Paigey, where are the other girls and the moms at?" Andrew asked as he drank his pop.

"Well, Melissa took Maddie and Mackenzie to the Seaquarium, Mom and Brooke are at the Zoo, Holly and Nia are at the art Museum and last but not least, Jill and Kendall are at home doing nothing." Paige answered.

"Oh, ok." Andrew replied as the waiter came back 5 minutes later to take their orders and they were ready.

"I'll have the Classic Sirloin 10 oz with fries, well done, please." Andrew stated and it was Abby's turn to order.

"I'll have the original Chicken Crispers." Then Gianna was next.

"I would like to order the Crispy Chicken Crispers." She said.

"I would like the Classic Turkey Toasted Sandwich." Chloe added and last but not least, it was Paige's turn to order.

"I'll have a Grilled Chicken Salad, please." The waiter wrote down their orders and then he headed to the kitchen and placed the order, then he headed to serve another table.

"Mom, i just thought of something for next week's competition." Andrew stated, something in his mind had just given him an idea.

"What do you have in mind?" Abby asked, with a interested look on her face, because whenever Andrew had a good idea when it came to dance, she was always intrigued on what idea was on his mind.

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