Chapter 3

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                Zara ached all over. Every inch of her body hurt, especially her head. She tried to reach up to touch it in an attempt to help console some of the pain. Her arm made it an inch before it was stopped. A hand pressed it down again. She was thankful for the hand. Moving her arm had only increased the pain running through her body. She felt tears running down her cheeks. Their warmth was the only positive thing she was feeling and she tried to focus on it. She tried with all her might but the pain in her head made it difficult to concentration anything and blocked out the minor comfort of the warm water. How could she hurt this much and not be dead? Why wasn't her power helping her recover? She tried to move her other arm, hoping that this time it would be easier. It was but the hand stopped this arm to. Zara groaned at the agony inside her head.

"Hold on, Zara. You're going to be okay. We are almost to the hospital." A voice said. Hearing a voice was like a dagger to her head. She was able to register it, but all that listening accomplished was a slight spike in the pain. Zara had had headaches before, but this time was worse. And the voice wasn't the only thing she heard. She heard sirens blaring. She normally heard that sound when she was driving and knew to pull over. It was either a cop car or an ambulance. The sound continued at the same level. Zara thought about the car accident. She knew she couldn't have made it out of that with such minor injuries. If she had truly survived, then she was in an ambulance.

Zara opened her eyes a fraction. The light hurt but only for a moment. Then she started to process her surroundings. She was definitely in an ambulance. The siren still blared but she was starting to get used to it. She saw a middle aged man sitting next to her. He was the source of the voice.

"My... car..." Zara managed. It was a silly thing to think about at the moment but she knew her parents would be upset if the family car was totaled.

"Calm down Zara. Everything is going to be all right. We have already contacted your parents and they are on their way to the hospital. They are very worried about you but there's nothing for you to worry about. You are stable and we are almost there. You just need to hang on for another few minutes and then we can get you some more help." Zara's head throbbed at the voice. Her head was killing her. She slammed her eyes closed and did her best to pass out.

The Swords of Memory: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now