Chapter 31

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The huge buildings were visible before they got close to the village. They looked like simple, normal sized, huts made of wood planks with dried foliage forming the roofs but as Eli, Daphne and Hayden got closer the buildings grew. By the time they were within a few yards of the outermost building the hut loomed above them. It was at least four times bigger than it would have been normally. They found the huge door and Eli looked in through the crack at the bottom. There was nobody home so Eli led everyone through the crack and into the house. They hadn't realized that the giants would be so truly giant and would need to figure out how to proceed. The inside of the hut was furnished with a huge table, chairs, and bed. There were also another set of normal sized furniture in the corner.

"Whoever lives in houses this big are probably too much for us to take." Daphne said.

"We could take one." Hayden said. "You both have your powers and I have those power crystals. We effectively have thirteen powers to throw at anyone who threatens us."

"But only two of those are actual powers. The other eleven we don't really know how to use. I have had my power for a while now and I'm still not able to control it completely. Sometimes I daydream and then suddenly whatever I was thinking about is in front of me."

"I'm pretty much a master at using my power." Daphne said. "But I don't know how much use it will be. The only plants I could use that wouldn't kill us too would probably take too long to grow, even with my power."

"So we shoot for diplomacy. That's worked really well for us before. Just let me do the talking this time Eli. I don't care if they like you more than me. The last thing we want is for a bunch of giants rushing towards the village."

"At least I accomplished something instead of wasting my time with formalities the queen clearly didn't care about."

"Those formalities are what would have slowed your thick headed skull enough to realize you shouldn't tell her where the power core is."

"At least I didn't refuse to tell her what we wanted the sword for. What does it matter if she knows we are trying to bring back the powers? Most humans can't even get to the cloud kingdom."

"Guys, stop arguing." Daphne said.

"Hold on Daphne, I think Eli needs a reminder of who's in charge."

"And you think you're in charge? You couldn't lead us out of a wet paper bag."

"Am I mistaken or was it you who said that I was the only one with enough knowledge of the portal game to help you get the sword?"

"I was just worried about Daphne. I didn't think that you could protect her in the village." Hayden stepped forward and grabbed Eli's shirt at that.

"Don't you dare question my ability to protect her." Eli pushed him in the chest, breaking free of his grip.

"Make me." Eli said.

"Guys, we should really be getting out of here." Neither one of them listened to her. They were too focused on each other.

"I think it's about time we decide this."

"Let the better man win." They both drew their swords and advanced. The ringing of the clashing swords made it difficult to hear anything else, even Daphne's persistent pleas to stop. It was obvious that Hayden was the more experienced fighter but Eli was able to hold his own with his power. With it he gained armor and was able to put obstacles in Hayden's way to make his movements unsure. They clashed for a minute before they heard Daphne's scream and both paused to look at her. They saw her back as she was staring at two burly men. They were not giant sized, but they were all least three times her size. They were as big as body builders. Daphne ran to Eli and Hayden who stepped protectively in front of her.

The Swords of Memory: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now