Chapter 30

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Veronica sat at the chair in front of Zara's desk. It was late but she wasn't tired. Unlike Zara, she had actually slept. She had stayed up the entire night with Zara but then as Zara went downstairs with her parents, Veronica had gone to sleep. From what Veronica could tell, Zara hadn't slept in at least thirty-six hours, maybe more. Veronica could tell that the lack of sleep was wearing on her. She had started off strong but as the night went on she had started falling half asleep and then jolting awake the second she realized what was happening. She probably wouldn't be able to stay up much longer.

"Veronica, I need your help." Zara said. Veronica had been so caught up in her mental contemplations that the sound of her sister's voice startled her.

"What, Zar?"

"Help me stay awake. Don't let me fall asleep. And if I do fall asleep, wake me up."

"Zara I can't do that. You need to sleep. This isn't healthy and you know it. You don't have to worry about your dreams, I'll be right here the whole time."

"I told you already they are not dreams and it's not a fear that it might happen, I know it will. Veronica, I don't care if you don't believe me about the portal game, just believe me when I say that I can't go to sleep. Just help me stay awake."

"Fine, I will."


"Yeah, I promise. I only want what's best for you."

"Thank you." They sat in Zara's room for another fifteen minutes before Zara started to drift again. Zara fell back into the pillow she had been leaning against, eyes closed. Veronica waited for her to jolt awake but she didn't. She got up to wake her up but paused halfway to the bed. She picked up a blanket and gently laid it over Zara.

"I only want what is best for you Zar. And right now, you need sleep. I'm sorry." Veronica turned off the light and sat back in the chair, smiling at Zara in the near complete darkness. She might have lied to her sister about helping her stay awake, but she wasn't going to leave her. She would be there to wake her up if it became obvious she was having another nightmare.


Zara opened her eyes and found herself in shackles again. She was looking at Aaron who was standing off to her right with an arrow notched in his bow. He let it go and it slammed into the target in the wall. Zara tried to stay quiet, hoping he wouldn't notice her but as the thud of the arrow faded Aaron turned to her. "So you finally chose to join us. Daniel's been in dire need of a healing for a while now." Aaron notched another arrow and before Zara could react it was quivering in Daniel's arm. There were other arrows in his arm as well. His scream was deafening after the silence of her room that Zara had been used to. She silently cursed Aaron and then Veronica. Aaron she knew she couldn't trust, but she had hoped that Veronica might help her stay awake. But she was here now. She felt amazingly rested and was prepared to make the most out of the trip to the portal game. She couldn't force herself home so she was stuck there either way.

"You know I can't control when I disappear and reappear." Zara said quietly. She knew the statement to be false but she hoped Aaron hadn't figured out the pattern to her disappearances yet. It would only give him more control over her.

"I know that's what you told us. But I have my doubts. Get ready to fight. I want memories." He threw the sword, that despicable sword, at her feet. He walked over and unlocked her.

The Swords of Memory: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now