Chapter 9

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Zara woke up to her mom knocking on her door. She was annoyed that the knocking had interrupted her conversation with Eli but she knew that it wasn't her mom's fault. How was she supposed to know that Zara was in some weird alternate reality every time she slept? "Time to wake up honey. The doctor said that it would be best not to sleep in late, at lease for a couple days. You should take it easy but not sleep too much." Zara grunted that she would get up and her mom left. She contemplated trying to go back to sleep but realized that she wasn't tired at all. This whole not feeling tired after being up all night in another world was starting to get weird. She was never consciously sleeping but was never tired. She quickly showered, got dressed and joined the rest of her family downstairs for breakfast.

"Zar, I was thinking that we could have a sister bonding day. You know, paint our nails, maybe go to the mall. You up for it?" Zara's sister, Veronica, asked. Zara was already eager to get back to the portal game but realized that wouldn't be possible. She might as well do something to entertain herself.

"I'm up for it. I was thinking of dying my hair if you want to help." Zara figured that it would be best to go back to blond in both worlds. That way she wouldn't be surprised every time she looked at her reflection. After they had finished eating, Veronica rushed Zara upstairs, leaving their parents to go to work. They went to the bathroom and Veronica started taking the black hair dye out from under the sink. "I was actually thinking of going back to blond." Zara said. Veronica was momentarily stunned but exchanged the dye out for the blond dye. Zara climbed into the tub and her sister started the process. A few minutes in Veronica started talking.

"You know mom and dad are worried out of their minds about you right?" Veronica asked. "They are starting to think that you got in that accident on purpose. They practically begged me to spend time with you today so I could watch and make sure you didn't do anything stupid."

"I didn't crash the car on purpose. It was an accident. I would never hurt another person like that."

"Oh yeah, isn't the other guy in the accident in a coma? He was your age right? Did you know him?"

"Not very well. His name is Eli. We had a couple classes together but we never talked. I feel horrible about the accident. I could have killed him. He still might die."

"I wouldn't be too worried about it. Now that he is in the hospital they will do everything they can to help him."

"Veronica, can I trust you with something?"

"Of course Zar. You know I'm always here for you."

"I talked to his mom when I was in the hospital. I told her I would try to visit him every day. I know mom and dad will probably keep the keys away from me until the end of summer and probably make me retake drivers ed. Will you drive me to the hospital each morning after they go to work? It would only take two hours."

"I don't know Zara. Getting involved with them might not be the best idea. They probably aren't going to be as understanding of the accident as mom and dad were."

"But I already talked to his mom. She is expecting me. Please, I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't important."

"Fine. We can leave when your hair is done. But don't expect me to outright lie to mom and dad. If they ask, I'm going to have to tell them."

"Thanks Veronica." They continued in silence for another two hours, turning on some music a few minutes in, and then they got into the car. Zara kept looking at her newly blond hair in the mirror the entire ride. Once they arrived Veronica said that she would wait in the car. Zara promise that she wouldn't be more than half an hour. Veronica nodded and took out her phone, ready to spend her time on her phone.

Zara went into the hospital and headed right for Eli's room. She was almost there when a nurse intercepted her. "You aren't supposed to be back here. Only family members are supposed to be back here."

"But my friend is here. He was in a car accident. I promised his mom I would visit today."

"Fine, I'll let you go this one time. But make sure that you have his mother tell the front desk about you and sign in next time." Zara promised that she would and continued towards Eli's room. His mother was sitting next to his bed reading a magazine and looking exhausted. Zara scolded herself for not remembering to bring flowers or something. The room was filled with them.

"Hey Mrs. Johnson. Any news?"

"Oh, hello Zara. Unfortunately, no. He still hasn't woken up. The doctors say that there is nothing left to do but wait. What have you been up to? Your hair looks different. Did you dye it?"

"Yes. I thought it would be a good way to help start a new chapter in my life." Zara talked about everything she had done since she had last seen Mrs. Johnson and they eventually got off topic and were just freely talking. Before she realized it an hour and a half had passed. "I should probably get going Mrs. Johnson. My sister is waiting in the car."

"Has she been there the whole time? Invite her to come next time. I would be glad to meet her." Zara said that's she would come again tomorrow and invite her sister. She mentioned that the nurse had given her a hard time and Mrs. Johnson promised that she would tell the front desk to let Zara in next time. By the time she got back to the car Victoria was starting to get annoyed.

"I thought you were only going to take half an hour?"

"Sorry, I lost track of time. Mrs. Johnson says hi. She wants you to come next time too." Victoria started the car and started driving towards home.

"You realize how weird this situation is right? By all rights that women should be pissed at you. If we don't get home before mom and dad we are going to be in so much trouble. And don't think for a moment that I won't tell them where we were." Zara took her sisters hand.

"Thank you Victoria. You have no idea how much this meant to me."

They got home an hour before their parents and didn't have to lie about anything. They were mostly interested in Zara's sudden hair change. After a bunch of questions about why she did it they ordered pizza and ate dinner. They started watching a movie but half way through Zara was yawning. "I think I'm going to call it in early. It's been a long day." Zara went to her room and opened her laptop. She printed off a picture and shoved it into her pocket. She then climbed in bed and prepared to sleep. Within seconds she was out cold.

The Swords of Memory: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now