Chapter 24

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Zara appeared at the lava pit just outside of where her companions had set up camp. It was just starting to get dark but being so close to the lava made it so it was easy to see, at least in the immediate surroundings. The sun was below the horizon with its residual rays starting to fade and the moon was just starting to appear. It was starting to become the only light Zara was used to seeing in the portal game. They had yet to encounter any difficulties with light but they had hesitations about where their journey would take them next. The place where the plant people lived was supposed to be thick with vegetation ranging from tall grasses to trees. While they might not block out all the sunlight, the trees would be much more effective at blocking the much weaker light from the moon.

Zara walked into the group and admired the small tents that Eli and Hayden had made using the attendant cloaks. Zara admired the golden color of the cloaks in their daylight form. They reflected the light, making for a fantastic display of golden light on everything surrounding them. She felt a slight wave of sadness as the last rays of sun light disappeared and the cloaks reverted to their black color. "Those cloaks really are amazing." Zara said admiringly. She missed the short time when she had had one of them all to herself. Now she shared hers with Eli and he got to use it a lot more than she did. They hadn't needed the cloak for traveling so Eli kept it in his bag when they were walking. He only took it out to make the tent to provide shade while they waited during the day for Zara to come back.

"They are, even more so then you realize. Their color changing provides camouflage as well as temperature regulation. Their gold reflects light and heat to keep you cool during the day and the black helps you stay warm at night. They are also waterproof, nearly immune to heat, and made of a material so thickly woven that they can't be pierced by most swords. They are the last remains of technology before the powers disappeared. There was only enough fabric to make a few cloaks and they are guarded almost all the time. That's the reason only power core attendants get access to the cloaks. We are the only people who can use their properties to their highest potential." Hayden explained.

"So that's why Aaron and Garrett made sure to take Daphne's cloak after she died. Its irreplaceable."

"Yeah. Its tradition that you take the cloak of a fallen companion and leave them with their weapon. It's the best way to honor them. I was never sure that Daphne had died. I had hoped that she had been captured by one of the other races." Zara hadn't realized that Aaron and Garrett had never broken the news about what had happened to Daphne. They had made Zara resemble her but then bailed on having her impersonate her when Aaron went behind Garrett's back and introduced Zara to everyone in the village. In the excitement of her power, no one had thought to question what had happened to the former head power core attendant.

"I'm sorry Hayden. She died in a shade attack. It was before I figured out the full extent of my power and she died almost instantly. She was honored just like she was supposed to be though." Zara suddenly realized that they should have stumbled upon her body while they had been traveling across the plains. Zara hadn't noticed any bugs or animals in the portal game but even with scavengers, there was no way the body could have been gone. Zara wanted to ask about it but felt like it would be out of place with the news she had just given. "Were you two close?"

"She was the one who got me a position as a power core attendant trainee. When people turn ten they are assessed for potential in the areas of skill required for becoming a power core attendant. Daphne trained me when I was nine so that I would be prepared to impress the other attendants when I was tested." Zara hadn't realized how much of relation there had been between Hayden and Daphne. She was like his older sister. Zara pulled him into a hug.

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