Chapter 18

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Zara was at the top of the pyramid. She felt the power core in her hands. It tingled slightly at her touch. She felt energy flowing from it into her. She felt like she could heal anything. Maybe with the power core behind her she would be able to heal Daniel. She looked around and saw that she was surrounded by bubble people. They were all much larger than the average human and were rushing towards her. She was suddenly worried about Eli and Hayden. They were supposed to make a deal about returning the power core for the sword and safe passage. If the bubble people were going to attack her then that meant their negotiations hadn't gone very well. She was seconds from being completely overwhelmed by the bubble people. She had no weapon and her power wouldn't protect her from the bubble people. They would just trap her inside one of them.

"Come any closer and I'll smash it!" She yelled. The bubble people stopped their advance.

"The power core can't be broken by traditional means, human. You would know that better than we would as its previous protector." One of the bubble people said. It was the biggest one there. It seemed to be the person in charge. Zara had not known that the power core couldn't be broken. She felt like it would shatter if she threw it at the ground but the bubble person seemed confident that it wouldn't. She would have to bluff her way out of this.

"You think I don't know that? I already altered it so that it can be broken by merely smashing it on the ground."

"Then we will have to reach an agreement. We can't let you leave with the power core. Your friends expressed interest in the sword that we were entrusted with. Perhaps you would be interested in a trade?"

"Yes. Bring me the sword and my friends and I will return the power core to you."

"Deal." The bubble person said. "Halcyon, get the prisoners and the sword. Bring them here." A bubble person who was much smaller than the others separated from the group and entered the red pyramid through a tunnel. Unlike the other bubble people who were only slightly humanoid, this bubble person had much more defined features. He looked just like a normal person that had been turned mostly invisible. There was a glint on his hand but he disappeared before Zara could find out what it was. "Why do seek the sword of knowledge, human?" the leader asked.

"My name is Zara, not human. I need the sword to find out how to get powers back for the human race. It is the only way that we can put an end to the threat from the Shades."

"A noble pursuit. But have you ever thought about the risks your success could hold? Do you know the reason your race lost your powers in the first place?"

"No..." Zara said hesitantly. She really didn't know a lot about the history of this place. All she knew was that humans used to have powers, something happened, and now they don't.

"Then your race must not keep as diligent records as ours. Your race gave up their powers for their own protection. There was a menace with a power that took advantage of the powers of others. He killed many of your people, and terrorized the rest. Your powers gave you strength, but it opened you up to this man's specific attacks. He killed many of the other races as well. Once the humans selfishly attempted to save themselves, he disappeared. Bringing back the powers could bring this terror back as well, threatening your survival as well as the survival of the rest of the races."

"I wasn't aware, but a lot of time has passed. That man is probably dead. There is nothing to fear from returning the powers now."

"Perhaps not for your species, but for ours there is. I'm sorry, but I cannot assist you in something that could endanger my people." Before Zara could respond a bubble person fell from above her. It landed on top of her and quickly absorbed her. By the size of it she realized that her assailant was the one who had been sent to get her friends, Halcyon. He was barely big enough to cover he and was right against her skin. She tried to struggle but he resisted every movement she tried to make. She tried to scream but no sound escaped her mouth. She could breath, but only a little. There wasn't a lot of space in her prison. "Great job, son. Take her to the spider pit like we did the others."

The Swords of Memory: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now