Chapter 34

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The clock read four o'clock. Zara had been unconscious for over twelve hours. Warren and Veronica were worried in the extreme. They had tried multiple times to wake her up but always to the same result. She had hardly stirred and when she did, it was never anything that would have been noticeable if they hadn't been watching for any sign that she was waking up. "What are we supposed to do?" Veronica asked. "I already told my parents that we were having a girl day in her room. It's almost time for dinner. What if they want us to eat dinner with them?"

"Then you will have to lie and buy Zara time to wake up." Warren said.

"But what if she doesn't? I know you are convinced this has something to do with her dreams but what if it's something more serious? What if she had a seizure or something?"

"She clearly didn't tell you much about the portal game. She really loves that place, but it's nothing but serious there. I think we would have realized if she had had a seizure. One of us has been watching her the entire time she has been asleep."

"But any other number of things could have happened. Maybe we should take her to the hospital."

"And tell them what? That you let your sister fall asleep after she begged you not to and now she won't wake up? That she is trapped in another world? They will think we are crazy."

"Why don't you worry about me thinking you're crazy?" Veronica asked.

"Because I know that on some level you believe what Zara told you. If you didn't then you would have told your parents a long time ago." Veronica didn't say anything. She opened her mouth and there was a knock on the door.

"Girls? What do you want for dinner? Do you want me to order you pizza?" Their mom called in. Veronica waved for Warren to hide under the bed as the door started to open. Veronica rushed towards the door and stopped it from opening all the way.

"Pizza would be great, mom."

"What toppings does Zara want? I know how picky she is." Their mom pushed the door open and came into the room. Warren had managed to hide but Zara was still completely visible on the bed, apparently asleep.

"Zara, what are you doing asleep? It's the middle of the day." Her mom started walking towards the bed but Veronica stopped her.

"Mom, shhh. We just finished watching a movie and Zara fell asleep. It was really cute actually. She fell asleep halfway through and was leaning against me the rest of the movie. I didn't have the heart to wake her up. Why don't we just let her sleep?"

"I'm not going to be responsible if she doesn't like the toppings." Her mom whispered.

"Just get one large cheese. Zara loves cheese."

"Fine. But don't let her sleep the whole day away. She won't sleep through the night if she sleeps all day." Her mom left the room and she closed the door behind her. After a few seconds had passed Warren came out from under the bed.

"That was close." He said.

"You think? How are we going to explain ourselves if they find out she won't wake up?"

"We will just have to think of something. I just have a feeling that nothing is going to help her but time."

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