Chapter 22

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She was in the throne room again. The chief and his attendants were waiting for her and jumped to attention at her sudden appearance. "So you didn't lie about returning, Zara. That speaks well for your character. Now please, tell me where your allegiance lies. Have you defected to assist the bubble people or have the humans formed an alliance with them?" Zara felt the calming energy of her power as it healed her hand. No matter how many times she was burned it never got any less painful, but the healing was always pleasant. She relished the way her power made her hand feel well again. Ignaz, the chief, noticed her hand healing and a look of unease appeared on his face. He looked at the other lava people and it became clear that they had told him about her healing.

"First off, I'm a prisoner of war right? And I have all of the protections that come along with that?"

"Until you are tried, yes. Please Zara, answer our questions. If you continue to be difficult we can take it as being hostile and it will nullify your protection under the laws of war." Ignaz was starting to glow more intensely. He looked like he was starting to get angry. Zara saw the brightening and dimming of the light as he struggled to keep his temper under control.

"I will answer all of your questions. I am obviously human, but I have no alliance with the humans who live in the village near the lava pit."

"So you have deserted your own people and joined the bubble people. In that case your intrusion can be considered an act of war and you can be sentenced to death." He raised his hand and lava people started advancing towards Zara threateningly.

"No! I am not with the bubble people either. I am a free agent. I am neutral." The lava people halted their advance. None of them wanted to suffer the same fate as the lave person who had touched Zara when she first arrived.

"What a ridiculous claim. War has been declared between every intelligent race in the portal game. There are no neutral parties." This is what Zara has been waiting for. This was her trump card.

"There are actually. As I'm sure you have noticed, I'm a healer. Targeting people who practice healing is strictly prohibited by the laws of war. They are expected to act neutrally, healing any injured party they encounter to the best of their ability, and as such I declare neutrality." The chief paused, clearly unhappy with the way she had maneuvered him into talking about neutrality. If she was a neutral healer, hurting her would have dangerous consequences. Even if she wasn't a neutral healer, being a healer offered a lot of protection from prosecution. Suddenly his scrunched brow relaxed and a smirk came to his face.

"If you are truly neutral and follow the practices of a true healer, then you would be willing to offer your services to anyone." He turned to the lava people near the exit. "Bring Grant here. Our, guest, is going to do us the favor of healing him. Bring the other people in the sick bay as well." Zara had been countered. She had no idea if she could heal lava people. They had the same body shape, but lava people were made of lava. Even touching them burned her and her power only worked through touch.

"My power works through touch. I pull injuries and illness from others into myself by touching them. I won't be able to touch your people without the help of my companion." Zara said. She had no idea if her power would work when Halcyon was covering her but at least this might help her find him.

"Then you shall have his assistance." The chief said. He clearly expected her to fail, even with Halcyon's help. He wanted her to either hurt herself in the attempt or prove that that she wasn't able to heal the lava person, showing she wasn't a healer of others and was then not protected as a healer. One of the lava people reached into the wall and brought out a black rock. He threw it to Zara and she hesitantly caught it. It was cool to the touch. She scraped at it and found Halcyon's energy crystal in its core. She took it out and immediately heard his voice.

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