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It all happened so fast...

So much so as to hinder me from processing what was happening around me.

I took my stand, in front of the boy's body, my sword on my left hand and my right hand covering the open bloody wound that bled through the white cloth of my clothes.

The man in front of me laughed maniacally as he ran for the boy behind me, knowing the great magic he holds.

The boy behind me cried as I seathed my sword on my back and carried him, trying to run away from the psycho with those glaring emerald eyes.

The man behind me casted an attack. The green fire that dared to hit this precious boy in my hands was blocked by my fire attack. His green fire was shattered to pieces onto the white ground of the God dimension.

As I ran, The man chasing me casted a brick wall, preventing me to run away into the designated portal behind it.

"Just give up now Yao. Give me the boy" He said with that stupid accent I always hate and fear. I can pratically hear the smirk on his face as he said those words.

I looked back at him in disgust.

"And why the hell would I do that?!" I screamed back.

"Because with his magic, I can be unstoppable!"

I grit my teeth as he said that sentence. "And I will make sure that will never ever ever happen" I said as I casted a fire spell onto him. He, of course, blocked it.

It was all my plan.

As he was distracted, I used the last ounce of my strength to use my magic to stop time. I forcefully formed a bubble that kept me and the boy behind me moving in real time but outside of it, Everything stopped.

The toddler squat down and I knelt before him.

I didn't have time...

I need to do this quickly.

"..." I saw the fear in his brown eyes, tears falling.

"I'm sorry...Little one..." I softly said as I closed my eyes and casted my spell.

I traced letters on the air around him and said the words needed for my spell.


"Yuàn shàngmiàn de zhòng shén liánmǐn nǐ. Wǒ wèile nǐ zìjǐ de ānquán ér wàngjìle nǐ de jìyì, wèile yà sè zhǎo bù dào nǐ..."

I finished my spell and placed my thumb on his forehead. He collapsed onto my lap and fell into slumber.

As if the timing wasn't perfect enough, The bubble around us popped and that man raised a green fire glowing sword and raised it towards us.

I quickly stood up, The boy still in my arms, and bolted to the portal that was hidden behind the brick wall.

With everything I had, I casted a fire spell onto it and broke it down. Causing all the bricks to scatter all throughout the ground.

It was as if everything was moving slowly, I tossed the toddler to the portal and shut it through a spell.

Although, what greeted me next was excruciating pain on my stomach. I chocked, out of instinct, only to be greeted with red blood on my hands and on the floor.

I looked down to see a green sword pierced through my body.

Words couldn't begin to describe the pain that was flowing through my body.

The green eyed man walked in front of me with a glare. A glare that made me terrified.

"Big fucking mistake dumpling"

He shouted as he shoved the sword out of my body.

My body fell limp on the ground as i could smell and feel the pool of red blood forming around me.

I was weak.

I couldn't move.

I don't think I would be able to make it...

But I know that he will survive...

He has strong magic that neither me nor the man in front of me have combined.

He just needs to know how to use it...

I could feel my eyes slowly closing as that douchebag walked away from me.


Stay safe...'

I thought as the white walls of this dimension slowly faded from my vision and into the void of the darkness.

I embraced this darkness with my whole being, knowing this is the end for me.

I finally closed my eyes and accepted death.

I felt my body slowly fade away and into the void of darkness that lasts for eternity.




I have a story in mind so im prepared :3

Sorry about that spell Yao casted on that kid. Its not correct chinese because ya' know...

Google translate XD


Yeah hope you guys will like this series :)

Paalam na mga madlang pipol~

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