Chapter seven: Upcoming Threat

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So the reason why I didn't Update is because of my vacation for the holidays so I am very sorry!

But I did work on 3 chapters to make up for all the times I didn't update!  And plus i have some art that I will (hopefully) regularly place at the end of each chapter! It's sort of a gift for you readers! 

Love you all and enjoy reading~!

Emil and Leon sat beside each other of the table of five. (Leon having been seated where Matias would sit).

Tino placed the hot bowl on the middle of the table. The sweetest scent that Leon has ever smelled came from the hot steam from the large soup bowl.

"Everyone! We will be having pea soup! My specialty~" Tino called out in a cheerful voice -as always- as he opens the bowl.

To Leon,  it did not look appetizing at all. It looked super thick and mushy. The others seemed to have a non-surprised expression with this dish. Leon has heard from Emil that they eat pea soup every Thursday at some point.

Tino notices the taken back look of Leon with a sympathetic smile,

"Don't worry Leon,  if the soups taste is too strong,  we have oven-baked pancakes topped with strawberry jam to help it"

"Ah,  thank you, like,  seriously. But,  like,  I think I need to try something before I, like, judge it. Like,  seriously" Leon said with a smile. He turned to the mushy Goo of green on his blue and white bowl.

Leon gulps as he takes in a bite, rather slurp. Leon's first impression was the very mushy-ness of the broth but the after taste was amazing to Leon. Revolutionary -to over exaggerate-.

"Wow,  this is like,  really good, like,  seriously" Leon said as Tino smiled.

"glad you like it" Tino said with a relieved smile. Berwald looks up to nod in approval.


The table began a rather awkward moment of silence. The 'clinks!' and 'Clanks!' of spoons are the only things the group of five can hear on the table. This along with the rather strong blizzard outside of their home, but they do get blizzards often in Icegate.

Tino decided to break the awkward tension of silence;

"So, Emil where did you meet Leon?"

Emil blushed while Lukas looked at Emil with a quirked eyebrow. "We met on the streets of Springoak kingdom. I was going to drop Matias of with his duty of a guard" Emil replied Lukas leaned to the table in curiosity.

"Why in the streets, brother?" asked Lukas.

"Leon was on the street. As you all know he was part of redmarble kingdom and holds the fire orb. worst yet that he is the student and relative to Yao Wang. The man in the "Lost God" legend" Emil continued,

"with that in mind and with Ivan's army being fast with investigation, Leon had to flee his hiding which was in Springoak kingdom. I happened to have seen him on the road, injured and unstable. I took him in to a cave in the forest just outside springoak kingdom and took care of him from there. So and so, we are together" Emil finished with a flushed face. Leon smiled at the memory His lover had just said.

Tino smiled brightly at the story of Emil. "That is wonderful Emil! I'm glad you have found someone you would want to spend time with!".

As the group continued their chat, A knock came on the door. The group went silent as their eyes glanced at the wooden door, not expecting visitors, they raised their guard.

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