Chapter one: An Unknown Place

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The bright sunlight that was filtered through the green leaves glared down it's rays onto Kiku's closed eyes.

Kiku slowly opened his brown eyes to be greeted with gracefully falling green leaves and the rather unpleasant feeling of the branch underneath him.

He sat up, To take a good look of his surroundings. He looked at the branch that he had seemed to have slept on. His eyebrows furrowed at the sight of it.

'How did I manage to sleep in that...?' He internally asked as his eyes fell to the long distance of his feet from the ground.

"How will I be able to get down there...?" he mumbled to no one in particular. His pale bare feet was at least a few feet above the ground from the branch he was sitting at.

Suddenly, he hears rustling from the leaves above him. He looks up to be greeted with an upside down face with redish-purple eyes and white hair.

The man smirked;

"Kesesese~ Hello there~" He greeted/shouted, with a rather thick german accent.

Frightened, Kiku moved backwards only to feel the branch slowly start to break. It felt as though any slight movement from him, he would fall to the hard green grass underneath him.

"Yo, Gilbert, Dude where are you?" A voice shouted from underneath the tree. "Yeah come on bro!" another voice shouted this time, More childish than the last one.

"Kesesese~ Over here!" He shouted back. Kiku covered his ears, He hated the loudness of this supposed 'Gilbert''s voice.

"Also there is this other dude in front of me. He has black hair and brown eyes. His name is---" He stoppes mid-sentence to realize that 'Gilbert' had not asked for his name yet.

"Say what was your name again?" The albino asked as he jumped over to Kiku's branch.

"W-Wait don't---!" Kiku tried to protest but to no avail.

The branch finally gave up on them and snapped, Causing the two males to fall down. Kiku saw the albino man drop and fall to the hard ground. He closed his eyes, waiting for the impact that will soon to greet him.

Although, He was greeted with the soothing feeling of built strong arms wrapped around him. Kiku opened his squeezed eyes to be greeted with beautiful baby blue eyes behind thin square glasses.

The man's blonde hair had seemingly glowed underneath the afternoon sun. It seemed was as though time
had stop, Kiku must admit:

The man holding him was very handsome.

The man stared at Kiku too, looking at his brown eyes, fascinated by them. He loved how the black on his eyes slowly fades to a lighter brown.

A cough was heard behind the four people under the tree. Kiku snapped out of his trance, So did the man holding him. The man quickly propped Kiku down onto the green grass.

Kiku stood up, Enjoying the feeling of the soft green grass softly tickling his feet. The man who held him looked behind him to see another man with blonde hair and emerald green eyes.

"Alfred! Matias! Gilbert! Where the bloody hell have you all been?!" The man asked with a very clear british accent. His angered gaze finally landed upon the new comer to the group known as Kiku.

"And who might you be?" The man asked as he moved closer to look at Kiku.

"I-I'm Kiku Honda..." Kiku responded, not comfortable with all the people staring around him.

"Uh huh..." The brit said as he stared at Kiku up and down.

"Anyway! Time to introduce ourselves! I'm Alfred! The hero~" The man who catched Kiku said, who is apparently named Alfred.

"This is Arthur" Alfred exclaimed as he pointed at the man with green eyes and blonde hair. "The guy with the weird hair is Matias-"

"Hey! You are talking to the hair of the future king of Scandinavia!" Matias exclaimed, pointing towards his hair.

"And finally this is---"

"THE AWESOME GILBERT~!" Gilbert exclaimed, Already beating Alfred to introducing himself.

"Yes that's Gilbert" Alfred said as he high-fived both Gilbert and Matias.

"Enough of that, From where exactly  are you from Kiku?" Arthur asked with one of his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, Kiku. Where are you from? Village? Kingdom?" Alfred asked with a childlike curiosity in his voice, Along with the sparkle and adoration in his eyes that Kiku found adorable and charming, In a way.

Kiku looked at the ground beneath him as he tried to recall his whereabouts before sleeping in the big tree that stood beside them as shade from the afternoon sun.

"I...Don't know..." Kiku said looking each and everyone of the people surrounding him -In a friendly manner that is-.

"I don't remember..."

"Dude, seriously?" Alfred asked as he neared Kiku.

"Well, we can take him to our Kingdom! Our village!" Matias said with a daring smile. "Kesesese~ yeah!" Gilbert said with his signature smirk.

The three then talked about the said village to Kiku when suddenly, a sword was drawn to Kiku. Kiku, surpirsed, looked to who was pointing the sword to him to see Arthur with a rather unsettling glare.

"How can we possibly make sure that we can trust him?" Arthur asked in a menacing tone that scared the living hell out of Kiku.

"Arthur, Dude, chill. He doesn't have any weapons on him, Believe me" Alfred said as he guided Arthur's sword away from the Japanese man.

"...Alright" Arthur said hesitantly as he seathed his sword away from Kiku. Kiku sighed in relief from this. "Thank you, Alfred" Kiku said with a smile.

Alfred chuckled, "It's nothing. Now, Let's go to our kingdom, Springoak kingdom".

The group nodded and headed west. Kiku walked with the group, Hoping to find new friends with his -hopefully- new home known as Springoak kingdom.

Kiku smiled to himself, Awaiting the journey that is to begin from this sunny afternoon day.



Yay! Finished

Next chapter will be a little bit of filler, explaining how the world works and all that crap.

I have a whole umiverse planned for this series so hope you guys like it :3

See ya'll XP

Paalam na mga madlang pipol~

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