Chapter three: Training

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Kiku and Alfred finally arrived at Arthur's house after a short walk from the bar.

"We're here!" Alfred said as Kiku began to examine the building. It was a simple two story cottage house. It was wooden and dark brown in color and a small garden outside it.

It wasn't at all what Kiku expected Arthur's house to be. Surely, Arthur would have a mansion of sorts but he, instead, has a simple cottage house away from the main circle of the town.

Alfred knocked on the wooden door of the house shouting:

"Yo Dudes! It's Me, Alfred, With Kiku"

A 'click!' was heard followed by a creaking sound of the wooden door opening. Kiku saw that Arthur had opened the door.

Arthur looked at Kiku with a welcoming smile, "Why, Hello again, Kiku" Arthur then turned to Alfred with an annoyed look.

"Alfred you bloody git! You don't have to shout!" Arthur irked as Alfred placed his hand behind his neck in an embarrassed manner "Sorry about that iggy".

Alfred said as both Kiku and him walked inside the small house. Arthur sighed as he closed the door, "For the last time, It is not Iggy".

"Yo! Alfred! Took you long enough" Matias exclaimed as Gilbert followed from behind. They all did their signature high-fives before walking off, Talking to each other.

As Kiku's eyes followed the group, Arthur placed his hand onto his shoulder, "Come now, I may have some spare clothes. Come with me" Arthur said as he walked ahead, Kiku following closely behind.

"You really are quite the silent type Kiku, Anything on your mind?" Arthur asked as he walked up the stairs to the next floor. "A-Ah, I do actually..." Kiku stammered as he walked up the stairs with Arthur.

"Well, Alright then, Go ahead and ask" Arthur said as he walked down the hallway with diffrent room to diffrent doors. "U-um, Well, I expected your house to be, Big..." Kiku said.

Arthur looked at Kiku, An eyebrow raised. Kiku realized what he had said and stammered out an apology, "A-Ah, I-I'm sorry to be rude, I was just really curious and-"

"Alright, Alright, Slow down. I asked you to ask me anything didn't I?" Arthur chuckled as he stopped infront of a door. Arthur moved his hands around, A green glow had seemingly emitted from them.

Then, A bunch of keys were laid out in front of him. "Well, The reason why I have a simple house is because I don't want to be depicted as flashy or braggy or, Perhaps rather snobbish. Considering my role as a God and all". He stated as he scrolled through the diffrent keys and finally grabbing a key that he had seemed to be looking for.

"Ah, I see" Kiku said as Arthur placed the key inside the door knob. Though, His hand remained on the door knob. Arthur looked down on the floor. "Kiku, If I may ask..." He stated as his eyes drifted to the door infront of him.


"Where did you come from? Please tell me honestly."

Arthur asked as Kiku tilted his head in confusion. "What do you mean? Please elaborate".

"I mean, I heard from Alfred's friends that they had found you in a tree, Not remembering why you were there or how you got there or Where you came from. I suspect it is amnesia...But why don't you remember anything?" Arthur asked as he finally looked to Kiku's hazel eyes.

Kiku looked down, Avoiding to look to Arthur's eyes. "I...Honestly can't remember..." Kiku said.

"But...I did have dreams" Kiku added.

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