WE WERE GOING OVER the plan for me getting information from Betty about her mom and potentially being related to Penny Peabody. I really didn't want to use Betty like this because I still love her, but Kingsley was right. I can't draw the line here when it should've been drawn weeks ago.
Food and snacks covered the coffee table, none of which was even remotely healthy. We all got comfortable where we were, whether that be sitting around the coffee table where the food was or sitting on the couch wrapped up in a blanket.
I grabbed a few snicker bars and unwrapped one, taking a bite, "So what's exactly the plan? This has to be precise, or it'll go up in flames, and Betty will hate me forever"
Nova looked at me and then the others with a confused face, "Don't you think it's a little late for that?" she raised her eyebrow.
Fangs chuckled. "I was wondering the same thing"
"You gotta get off this high ground, Jones," Toni groaned, "You're just as much in this as the rest of us"
"I know," I mumbled, putting my head down slightly. This has to be done not to feed Nova's hatred for Betty but to keep the Serpents safe. "Stop pouting. We gotta brainstorm." Nova rolled her eyes at me.
"Just be like, "Hey, wouldn't it be funny to look at old pictures of our parents as kids and make fun of them?" Kingsley shrugged, eating a slice of pizza that we ordered 20 minutes ago.
"Facts," Leo agreed
"Yall are dumb," Deandre groaned, shaking his head. "Hold on, wait, it could work," Toni said, agreeing with Kingsley and Leo, "that can be our base, and then add onto it"
"Seeee, Toni knows what's good," Kingsley said, holding his hand out to dap her up. I thought about it, and knowing Betty, it could work, but she'd probably ask a lot of questions or wonder why I just suddenly wanted to see old pictures of when her mom was a kid.
"Has Betty ever talked about her mom having a sister?" Nova asked me while opening a chip bag and sharing it between her and Sweet Pea.
I took a moment to think back, part of me wants to say she has but I'm not quite sure. "I think so," I shrugged, "she probably mentioned it once or twice, but I've never met anyone in her family besides her parents"
"You haven't met Polly?" Fangs asked
"No," I said, shaking my head, "I seen her before she disappeared, but me and Betty weren't a thing then"
"Where the fuck did Polly even go?" Nova asked, crunching on her chips. "They took her to this place called the Sisters of Quiet Mercy, aka an insane asylum," I scoffed.
"They still make those?" Hakeem asked, looking confused
"Apparently" Toni rolled her eyes at the thought of an outdated way of treatment. "She got pregnant with Jason's baby, is what I heard." I shrugged, not knowing if it was true or not