The Girl

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John frowned, trying to balance all four shopping bags while unlocking the house. After succeeding in that, he cautiously made his way up the stairs to his apartment. He just managed to open the door without tipping over or dropping anything. He sighed with relief as he dropped the bags on the kitchen bench. He looked over the messy living room and froze. There was someone sitting in his seat. He hadn’t noticed before, because of the bags, but now…
“Uh…Hello?” he asked nervously, as he backed towards the fridge. He wished he had grabbed his gun, but how could he know?
There was a laugh. A feminine laugh.
John frowned. “Did Mycroft send you?” he asked, the first thing that had come to mind. Mycroft had the habit of employing pretty girls. Not that this girl was pretty, he could only see the top of her head. Not that he instantly assumed that – No, he told himself. Stop.
The girl laughed again. “No.”
John’s eyes widened. “Moriarty?”
“No one sent me,” she told him. “I sent myself.”
“You have a case for Sherlock?”
Another laugh. “In a way.”
John frowned and slowly walked over to her, sitting in Sherlock’s chair, and looked at his guest. She was beautiful, with dark hair and familiar green eyes and pale skin that he couldn’t place. He frowned. “And you just decided to come in?”
She nodded. “Mrs Hudson was out,” she said sadly.
“You know Mrs Hudson?” John asked, failing to keep the surprise out of his voice.
She smiled and raised a champagne glass in cheers to him, and put it to her lips.
He waited patiently as she took a sip and put it down.
“When will Sherlock be back?” she asked, avoiding his question. John picked up the trace of an accent.
“Why should I tell you?” John retorted quickly.
She shrugged. “Fine. I’ll just wait.”
Of course, Sherlock picked that moment to walk in. 

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