The 'Chance' Encounter

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Avery watched the people go about her – the teenage couple – the innocent boy dating the girl who was only interested in him because of a dare, the lonely woman sad about being dumped for the umpteenth time, the man on his lunchbreak, and so many more. Suddenly a shadow fell on the park bench she was sitting on.
“I heard you were back,” the woman said. “But I almost didn’t believe it.”
Avery looked up at her. “Hello again. Long time, no see.”
The girl laughed and sat next to her. “You left me.”
“You were fine.”
“I was not!”
“You did everything I asked perfectly.”
The woman scoffed. “Are you going to tell him?”
“Getting bored?”
“No!” the woman replied quickly, then blushed. “No. I do feel bad for him though.”
“Do you think he cares?”
The woman shrugged. “He’s going to look like an idiot.”
Avery nodded thoughtfully. “True.”
The woman sighed. “This is your fault.”
Avery nodded again. “Also true.”
The woman looked at her. “Thanks for the help.”
The woman pulled out her phone and checked the time. “I have to go. He’s waiting.”
Avery nodded once more. “Have fun. I’ll talk to you soon.”
And then the woman left, and Avery was left alone. After a pause, Avery left too, leaving the park bench empty. 

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