The Nest

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It hadn’t changed much – though being a Holmes she picked up on several unimportant details. The people all stopped then, and stared at her. There were twelve of them in, eight males and two girls, and two more of questionable identity. Avery waited. She had nothing to say to them. She just had to see their reaction.
The woman behind the bar – a stocky red-head with dragon tattoos on her arm, frowned and walked over to her.
“You’re back.”
The atmosphere was so thick between them Avery almost felt like the air washeavy and  tainted.
Avery waited. One of two things could happen – acceptance or murder. It would be her own fault too.
The woman waited too. Maybe there would be no progress today. Should she leave and let them talk it over? It really had hurt them when she had left – much like it had hurt her spy. The woman looked down at the floor, thinking. And then she looked back, staring into Avery’s eyes. Then she turned away. “Welcome back.”

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