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Avery stretched on her new bed – perfectly content. She had a home now – without her brother and his friend around. She sighed and closed her eyes. What to do then? Doubtless her brother had already placed surveillance on her new place. So her spy couldn’t visit. Then again, her spy was smart. Okay, then what could she do? No, she thought to herself. This was just a front; there was no real reason for her to have her own place. Her time was going to still be spent mostly at Sherlock’s. But it was nice, to have this place to hide away in. She yawned. And, on the other hand, now Sherlock and John had more time together. Avery was sure there was something going on between them – they just hadn’t realised it yet. She smiled. She could make them realise it. Just for fun. It’d be nice for Sherlock to date, she thought to himself. And if not, maybe she could steal John for a bit. She smiled again. She was having so much fun in London. Even more fun then she’d had with her old ‘partner’. She turned over. What had happened to her partner anyway? She was going to be so mad when she came back. 

The Third Holmes - A Sherlock FanficWhere stories live. Discover now