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And then, there the three of them were, standing around a body in the middle of the day.
“Well?” Lestrade asked impatiently.
Avery gave him a blank look, and Sherlock said nothing.
Lestrade scowled. “Listen, this is important!”
Sherlock sighed. “It’s obviously the next-door neighbour.”
“Look at the clothes, the drag patterns, take your pick,” Avery filled in. “I bet, if you go to his next-door neighbour, you’ll find a shovel in the shed with a bit of blood on it. Listen, can we go now, we’re sort of in the middle of something. And I need to be in the middle of said something to implement certain plans.”
“Yeah, Avery’s decided me and Sherlock should be a couple.” John joined in.
“Sherlock and I,” Sherlock corrected.
John glared at him.
“What, really?” Lestrade said with a half-laugh, forgetting they were at a crime scene. “Avery, you’ve had some crazy ideas but…”
“Yeah, but you can see it, can’t you?” Avery chimed.
Lestrade paused for a second, thinking it through. “Yeah, actually…I can.”
“What?!” John exclaimed. “Not you too Lestrade.”
Lestrade shrugged. “It does sorta make sense.”
Sherlock scoffed. “Of course you’d agree with her,” he began.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Avery said. “You know, he can have opinions.”
“That most usually coincide with yours, dear sister. And I can’t help but note the unusual skimpiness of your clothes today.”
Her eyes narrowed and all pretence of friendliness fled her face. “How dare you.” She spat. “I can dress however I want to, and it would have no effect whatsoever on my theory.”
John and Lestrade took a half step away.
Avery looked like a demon, with her eyes flashing as they did, though Sherlock seemed oblivious.
“On your theory, no. But it would perhaps have some effect on those who agreed with you.”
She hissed angrily. “How dare you.”
He blinked. “How dare I? I was simply proposing a theory myself. A counter-theory, if you will.”
She glared at him, and he looked back.
“Uh, well thanks for the help,” Lestrade chimed in suddenly.
They looked at him, for a second. And then Avery’s mood reverted back to normal and she grinned.
“You’re very welcome. Call us next time, ‘kay?”
Then she skipped off to the road and called a taxi.
John looked at Sherlock. “What was that?”
“What was what?”
“You attacked her.”
“I did no such thing.”
John sighed. “There’s more than one form of attack, you know, Sherlock.”
“Ah, are we talking again then?”
John rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”

The Third Holmes - A Sherlock FanficWhere stories live. Discover now