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Draco and Carina were enjoying their dinner. Carina was quietly observing her surroundings ignoring the intense and curious eyes of a certain Boy-Who-Lived. As for Draco, he was making new 'friends', Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini, they would later introduce themselves.

Carina was analyzing each teacher yet the one that caught her eye was the Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. She was surprisingly entertained after his abnormal speech than annoyed like most Slytherins were. She met his blue eyes, that reminded Carina of the calm water of the sea. His eyes shined in a childish manner.

Carina titled her head confused. He continued staring down at her own eyes as if he was reading her soul when he finally looked away not before giving her a small satisfied smile that made Carina even more confused.

"What are you looking at Cara?" Draco asked, his mouth full of food and Carina scowled.

"Dray, dear, chew before you talk, please?" she scolded him with a gentle voice her blue eyes warming at him as he did as she asked.

"Well, well, well... New blood!" a hoarse whisper pointed out from above their heads. Both the Malfoy twins lifted their eyes and they watched as a ghost sat between them.

"Hello I'm Carina Malfoy and this is my brother, Draco Malfoy." she spoke pointing at Draco who seemed uncomfortable as she continued with a void face "And who might you be?"

"Lovely to meet you Mister and Miss Malfoy. I am Bloody Baron, the Slytherin ghost." he announced with the same hoarse tone.

As a ghost, Carina noticed, Baron was very pale, pearly-white, staring black eyes that made Draco shift from his seat and Carina wondered if that ghost was trying to read her darkest and deepest secrets. He had a gaunt face and he was dressed in robes covered in silver bloodstains hence his name, Carina guessed. He was also sporting a curly powdered wig and carrying a sword.

After that small encounter the Headmaster asked politely the Perfects of each House to accompany the youngsters into their Common Room. The Slytherins followed the fifth year named Marcus Flint.

The Slytherin Common Room is placed in the dungeons of Hogwarts Castle and underneath the Black Lake according to the Hogwarts: a History, Carina realized that because of this the light in the Common Room is green.

She studied with an expressionless face the room. There windows were shut tightly with the help of magic and she could she fishes swimming by. Fire was blazing under the fireplace as for above some skulls of snakes were decorating it. It made most girls turn yellow in disgust, however, Carina raise her eyebrows looking at Pansy in indifferent manner.

There was also a shield made from silver and leather as most sofas and chairs were. The shield portrayed a snake hissing, "A Basilisk." Carina thought staring straight at his emerald eye that was shining through out the Common Room.

Everything was aristocratic in order to match their pureblooded tastes of the residents. Carina bid her brother goodnight. She ignored her roommates, surprise- surprise, Parkinson and Greengrass. She lied down her soft mattress, closed her eyes and fell asleep.


Carina's first day was going great. First the Slytherins had charms with Ravenclaws. They believed that just because they were the smart house, as Draco puts it, that the rest were just plain stupid. Carina begged to differ.

Carina smiled lightly with a small perk at her lips. She adored their frustrated expressions on their faces when she knew all the answers perfectly. However, she was slightly disappointed that there was no one who could compete with her intelligence. Her brother was close, yes, but he was no perfectionist like her. Needless to say, she quickly impressed Professor Flitwick.

Carina Malfoy//h.potterWhere stories live. Discover now