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Investigations continue into the break-in at Gringotts on 31 July, widely believed to be the work of Dark wizards or witches unkown. Grigotts' goblins today insisted that nothing had been taken. The vault that was searched had in fact been emptied that same day.

"But we're not telling you what was in there, so keep your noses out if you know what's good for you." said a Gringotts spokesgoblin this afternoon.

Carina was studying carefully the article of the Daily Prophet when she put it down watching her brother as he sat opposite her at the Slytherin Table. He was beaming in delight and Carina raised her elegant eyebrow.

"There was a notice pinned at the Common Room!" Draco started to talk "Flying lessons will be taking place next Monday!" he finished excitingly.

Carina's mod changed at once and grinned happily at her brother. Many saw her full blown smile but quickly averted their gaze because of her ice cold glare. Well, almost everyone until the youngest Weasley elbowed him.

When they were younger, Carina and Draco's parents hired high-rated tutors to teach their children daily about everything a Pureblood should know, from dance lessons to table manners. Nonetheless, at the end, they still had time to spend with each other.

At first, Draco, after his sister's encouragement learned to fly a broom then he persuaded Carina to also learn how to fly. Let's just say that it became their favourite activity. Draco took a special liking at becoming a Beater as for Carina, a Chaser or even a Seeker suited her. So it was safe to say that they were aching to get their hands on a broom and fly once more. Flying for them was freedom and a way to forget their worries.

"If only we didn't have them with the Gryffindors."  complained Goyle.

Carina turned at him "Did you finish your essay for Professor McGonagall, Greg?" she questioned.

Goyle shook his head. Even though Carina disliked the fact that their close 'friends' were incompetent without her and her brother, she couldn't help but to grow fond of them. Carina understood that it's jest how their parents had raised them to be and she decided that she wants slowly to change that. She doesn't want to be a common puppet for anyone to use.

"At the end of classes we will head to the library so I can help you with that essay." Carina announced.

She stared at the others "Anyone else that needs help?"

Crabbe, Parkinson and Greengrass faltered a little before nodding their head "Then I shall meet you all at the library." she gazed pointedly at Draco with slightly narrowed eyes "What about you?"

"Mine is finished." he justified. 

Carina's lips pushed "Then I'll check it over."

Everyone was glad when the post arrived. Draco and Carina looked up and saw Achilles, their eagle owl, drop their package between them. The note simply read in their mother's handwriting: Love, Father and Mother. Draco went to open the package, that Carina was sure held the delicious cheery cheesecake which the twins adored, as she teared the Malfoy Seal of the letter to read it.

My dearest and precious twins,

Your father and I were pleased to hear that you both made it ti Slytherin, not that we had any doubts of course. Severus already sent us an owl to inform us about the exceptional work on your classes.

Carina, my beautiful daughter, even though I'm proud of you for being top of your classes I would like for you to make more friends and relax a little bit more. I'm sure that you will continue thriving through classes if you take a break now and then. Do me a favor, keep your brother in line.

Carina Malfoy//h.potterWhere stories live. Discover now