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Chris:Ok i was waiting for a call from my retailer

Sam:A retailer?

Chris:Well i was going to ask you a little later tonight at dinner but ill ask now

Sam:What are you asking

Chris:Well I'm tired of being away from you we spend nights together then i leave so i wondering if you would move in with me

Sam:Move in

Chris:Yes move in

Sam:We got together a week ago and you want me to move in with you

Chris:You don't have to decide now im just saying that most of our time would be spent together

Sam:I have to really think about this let's head home


Sam P.O.V

Moving in i was a freaked out but on the other hand i was glad he wasn't cheating on me then i started thinking moving in equals marriage which leads to kids snd pets i was freaked

Time Skipped To 3 Hours Later

Chris:Do you wanna come to my house or yours

Sam:Yours i need you right now

Chris:What's wrong

Sam:If i were to move in with you it leads to marriage which also leads to kids

Chris:You don't wanna get married one day

Sam:Of course i do but after that


Sam:Yes i don't want to be a mom i want to start my own art studio and museum one day of just my paintings not be raising a kid but if you want a kid I'll adopt but i don't want to go through the pain of child birth and those 9 months carrying the baby

Chris:I want to have kid's one day but if you don't wanna go through that you don't have you


Chris:Sam I'm sorry but i wanna marry you one day help open your art studio and museum have kids and some dogs

Sam:Chris I'm sorry i overreacted let's move in together

Chris:Are you serious

Sam:Yes am serious

Chris P.O.V

As we got to ny house she said that and i just kissed her for the longest time

Sam:So when am i moving in

Chris:Let's do it today


Chris:Yes i got some people that move stuff for us and we can go to a movie

Sam:Ok good i didn't want to pack

Chris:So what movie


Chris:Ok by the time we get back
you should be moved in

Sam:I can't wait every moment we have we have at house is us two

Chris:I know

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