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Sam P.O.V

2 bullets went into Luke's chest and one in Chris's shoulder

Sam:Chris your shoulder

Chris:Im fine how's Luke

Sam:Your not fine

Chris:I am

Sam:Your bleeding

Chris:It's fine im ok it's happened before

*Banging at the door*

Sam:It's Liam


Sam:I'm letting him in

Liam:Chris you alright

Chris:How'd you know

Liam:Cause you should see his instagram

Chris:Hating on me

Liam:Yea and threats

Chris:Is he still alive

Liam:Yea just a couple shots to the ribs

Chris:Sam call 9-1-1




Chris:Sam I'm right here im not going anywhere it's my shoulder im ok

Liam:I'll call 9-1-1

Sam P.O.V

I heard Chris's voice but it was all a blur in sound i was in shock there was blood lots of it then Chris got up off the ground and grabbed my hand and pulled me up

Chris:Look I'm right here with you I'm not going anywhere

Sam:I know I'm just in shock

Chris:I'll go to the hospital get the bullet out and I'll be fine


Time Skipped To 15 Minutes Later

Paramedic:Luke didn't make it

Sam P.O.V

Chris and Liam looked happy in a way and i wanted to know why bit Chris had to get to the hospital

Sam:Chris are you ok

Chris:Im fine


Chris:He shot me when i was a kid same with Luke he is nothing to us

Sam:Why didn't you tell me

Chris:Didn't want to freak you out

Sam:To late

Time Skipped To 2 Hours Later

Sam P.O.V

They put Chris on drugs so he was
asleep so they could remove the bullet and then Liam came in

Liam:So how you holding up

Sam:Ok i guess

Liam:I know how you feel i was the youngest when Chris got shot by Luke when we were younger


Liam:Got pissed off i think

Sam:That's no reason

Liam:Yea i know but he has anger issues



Sam:He is starting to wake up

Liam:Well im gonna go get some coffee ill be back



Sam:Im here *grabs his hand*

Chris:What happened

Sam:Luke shot you


Sam:Yea again

Chris:Im sorry i didn't tell you

Sam:It's ok

Chris:Come lay beside me

Sam:I don't wanna hurt you

Chris:Your worth the pain

Sam P.O.V

I laided next to Chris he kissed my head then my lips then he closed his eyes and so did i we both fell asleep

Liam P.O.V

I came back up and then we're both asleep so i lefted the coffee then went back to Chris's house but on the way out of the hospital I seen Luke he was alive

Liam:Excuse me


Liam:Is that Luke Hemsworth's

Doctor:Yes why

Liam:Im his brother

Doctor:Oh Liam

Liam:Yea but i thought he died

Doctor:He did but he came back

Liam P.O.V

He was alive it was crazy i couldn't believe it but i still lefted and went back to Chris's house

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