Cottage Sweet Cottage

3 2 47

Sam P.O.V

So last night the doctor came in and he told us Luke was alive then went into cardiac arrest and died again i should say but today Chris could go home but i had a idea

Sam:So i have a idea

Chris:What's that

Sam:How about we go to my cottage

Chris:What about the blood in my house who's gonna clean that

Sam;Your dad sent over people to do it it's all taken care of

Chris:Ok then let's go to your cottage

Liam:Hey Chris i brought you some clothes for the cottage


Liam:Well i got to go back home

Chris:Your wife waiting for you


Sam:Ok so I'll drive and you sleep

Chris:You are not driving I'll drive

Sam:You can't for a week

Chris:Well i don't listen


Chris:Nope still driving

Sam:Your so stubborn

Chris:I know

Time Skipped To 4 Hours Later

Chris P.O.V

Sam had a good idea i needed away from the city and away from everyone expect for Sam and whoever was at the cottage

Sam P.O.V

When we got there Jay's truck was there which means he's here for a week

Knock Knock Knock

Ally:Hey your back early

Sam:Yep just needed a break from the city

Ally:Oh well Jay is here

Sam:Well since he's here to keep Chris company let's go for a swim

Sam:Why don't we all go swimming

Sam:Chris can't

Chris:Hey Jay

Jay:What happened to your shoulder


Jay:What!!!from who

Chris:My brother he's a little screwed up

Jay:Oh which


Jay:What happened with him

Chris:He died

Jay:Oh im sorry

Chris:I'm not he held a gun to my head and threatened to shoot Sam so im relieved

Jay:I'd feel the same way

Ally:Ok Jay are you gonna stay here

Jay:Yea you guys go swimming


Sam P.O.V

We and Ally got into our bathing suits mine was bright pink and hers was teal

Ally:So how's Chris

Sam:I don't know i feel like he's hiding feelings

Ally:Sam that's not good

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