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Sam P.O.V

After 3 hours we were there and i did stay awake the whole time we talked the whole time about how we would spend the rest of our lifes together i really didn't know wjere this relationship was going but i hope one day we would get married and maybe have kids if i changed my mind on but probably not.

Sam:This place is still beautiful

Chris:It is but not as beautiful as you

Sam:Aww wanna go swimming


Sam:Ok I'm going to go change

Chris:Ok I'll meet you at the lake


Chris P.O.V

A few minutes later Sam came back out she was smoking hot i could not keep my eyes off her

Sam:Chris Hemsworth stop stareing

Chris:Oh i can't

Sam:I think you can

Chris:Let's go swimming

Sam:Sound good

Sam P.O.V

Chris and i swam and kissed alot for hours then we went back into my cottage and cooked dinner he cooked steakand corn then i cooked baked potatoes over the fire.

Chris:The steak the served

Sam:The potatoes need about 10 more minutes the corn is done

Chris:You know i missed you those two weeks when you were dating Niall

Sam:I never stopped thinking about you


Sam:I was thinking i made the wrong choice and i did i belong with you

Chris:Im glad your with me now Niall left you for a tour

Sam:I should of went with you from the start

Chris:Yes but your with me now that's all that matters


Chris:So did i cook good steak


Chris:Here give me your plate I'll go do the dishes

Sam:No ill do it

Chris:No Sam as your boyfriend i can't let you do it ill do it you relax


Chris:Yes now go relax

Sam:Fine but be quick I'm going to start a fire

Chris:Ok I'll be quick

Sam P.O.V

I went to go get some wood from the bin by my house then i saw someone by my house it wasn't Chris cause he was inside and my cabin is really far away from any other ones i was confused then Chris came out and the girl or guy couldn't tell grabbed his arm so i ran over to him it was Jay

Sam:Jay what are you doing here

Jay:Ally she's in trouble i think

Sam:What do you mean

Jay:I went to her house the door was wide out and the place was destroyed

Sam:Oh my god

Jay:My team is heading down here to help me find her but you guys have to stay here i can't have you guys getting caught in fhe crossfire because i think im a target to Ally was targeted

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