Chapter 16

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Sam: Yes a million times yes

Chris: I was afraid you were going to say no

Sam: Why would I say no your the love of my life

Chris: Glad you feel the same we should celebrate an engagement dinner

Sam: Where

Chris: Anywhere

Sam: Like around the world

Chris: Yes

Sam: New Zealand

Chris: I know a good restaurant do you like fish

Sam: Yea

Chris: Good

Sam: So where are we going

Chris: You'll see

Sam: Come on tell me

Chris: No

Sam: You suck

Chris: I know

Sam: So can we go to the airport I can't wait to know what you planned for me

Chris: Yes here the car

Sam: I can't wait

Chris: I can because I'm with you and your now my beautiful wife

Sam: How did I get a guy like you

Chris: Long and Sad Story

Sam: True🙁

Chris: I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought that up

Sam: It's ok it wasn't you Niall texted me

(Text Message)

Niall: I'm back in town wondering if I could talk to you

Sam: I'm not in town sorry

Niall: I mean New Zealand

Sam: How did you know

Niall: Chris is my best friend

Sam: Oh

Niall: Congrats by the way

Sam: Thank you so how is your tour

Niall: Meh

Sam: Why

Niall: Cause If I didn't take this tourn maybe we would still be together instead of you and Chris

Sam: You're jealous

Niall: No no

Sam: You'll find a girl

Niall: Nobody like me

Sam: Very true there's nobody like me

Niall: Well I'll see you guys soon

Sam: Wait you're coming to dinner with us

Niall: Yea

Sam: Oh ok

Niall: Ok

(Text Message Ended)

Sam P.O.V

Dinner with my fiance and my ex at my engagement dinner this is too much I think I'm gonna faint

Chris: You ok

Sam: You invited Niall

Chris: Yes I haven't seen him in forever and it sounded like a good idea

Sam: You don't think it's weird

Chris: Not really

Sam: Ok😳

(Time Skipped To 4 Hours Later)

Sam P.O.V

We arrived in New Zealand and we headed to the restaurant and in 45 minutes we were there

Chris: Here we are

Sam: Fleur’s Place I've heard they have the best fish especially the salmon my favourite

Chris: Ok let's go

Sam P.O.V

We walked in and I looked around and seen Niall our eyes met and he smiled and it hit me hard then he waved at us to come over then I noticed someone was with him

Sam: Alyson?


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