Chapter 15

11 3 13

Same P.O.V

The last few days have been great we only have today left we are going to the London Eye it was one of the biggest ones but I also couldn't wait till I got home to see my dog Winston

Chris: Damn you're a sight to wake up to

Sam: Stop stop

Chris: Can't too late

Sam: So you ready to go our flight leaves in 2 hours

Chris: Yes let's go

Sam: Ok

(Text Message)

Jay: Have you done it yet

Chris: No soon

Jay: Let me know

Chris: I will how's the cabin

Jay: Good very good

Chris: Spare me the details

Jay: Well see you when you get back we will be at your house

Chris: What how did you get into my house

Jay: Liam

Chris: Of course

Jay: Sorry

Chris: It's ok

(Text Message End)

Chris: Ok our luggage is being sent to the airport then we can just go directly to the airport

Sam: Wow you did all that

Chris: Always so you don't have any stress

Sam: I'm never stressful what are you up to

Chris: Nothing I just want a great day with you

Sam: Ok?

Time Skipped To (12:00 pm)

Chris: Shit

Sam: What

Chris: Cameras

Sam: We're together we are happy so who cares what anyone thinks

Chris: Your right let's go on the Ferris wheel

Time Skipped To (1:00)

Chris P.O.V

We were on the Ferris wheel finally and we went up and down a few times till we stopped at the top then it was about to happen the big moment

Chris:Sam St Clair, you are my world my everything since the day we met I knew you were the one and I knew that you were gonna be my wife one day I know we've only been together for 3 months but I love you and I never wanna stop loving you I wanna be with you till the day we die and longer will you marry me


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