Niall's Date

21 2 21

Sam P.O.V

Chris just lefted i wish he didn't but work gets in the way but i get it he's a celebrity it has to be hard but today i was going to meet up with Niall at a coffee shop i just got his text this morning

Phone Call

Alyson:Hey Sam

Sam:Alyson what do you need i gotta shower then go meet Niall

Alyson:Wow you actually went with my idea

Sam:Yes i did like i said there not all bad but most are

Alyson:That's not very nice

Sam:Ok you called me so what do you need

Alyson:Chris will not stop talking about you


Alyson:Yes really

Sam:Well tell him to text me tonight then will plan another date

Alyson:Oh don't you worry i will

Sam:Ok well i got to go bye

AlysonWait one more thing


Alyson:What ill be at your house tomorrow night


Alyson:The BBQ you planned a couple months ago

Sam:Oh my i totally forgot

Alyson:Yea might want to get stuff

Sam:Ok got to go bye

Sam P.O.V

I just got out of the shower then i heard a knock at my door


Sam:Niall i thought I was meeting you at the coffee shop

Niall:Sorry love but i got worried about you we were supposed to meet at 12 its 2 oclock

Sam:It's ok but how do you know where i live



Niall:So love will you go with me to the coffee shop

Sam:Wouldn't miss it but i got to go get dressed i can't stay in my bath robe

Niall:I wouldn't complaint

Sam:*Winks at him then goes upstairs*

Niall P.O.V

Sam took forever so i went to go sit down and waited for her



Time Skipped To 15 Minutes Later

Niall:What do you drink

Sam:Vanilla Frappuccino with Carmel topping

Niall:That's one of my personal favorites but with chocolate topping



Time Skipped To 7 Minutes Later

Niall:Your drink is served

Sam:Thank you



Niall:Whats your job

Sam:Im a artist also i own a gallery 



Niall:Do you think you could do a media painting for my music video

Sam:I could do that what song

Niall:To much to ask

Sam:I love that song

Niall:Ok i want something but it can't be here let's go to my house

Sam:What exactly do you want

Niall:You'll see trust me


Time Skipped To 30 Minutes Later

Niall:Ladies first

Sam:So what are we doing here

Niall:Well you'll have to see but hold your hair up blindfold time


Niall:You'll love it trust me

Sam P.O.V

I was scared was i walking into bit then he unblindfolded me and it was amazing he had brought me outside and he had a pool and in the pool on a table float was HONEY BUNS!!!!!

Niall:Do you love it

Sam:Of Course but i can't go swimming

Niall:Yes you can i got you a pink bikini

Sam:How did you know my size


Sam:Oh im gonna go change


Niall P.O.V

She was back out in under a minute she was so hot i couldn't keep my eyes off her

Sam:Niall stop staring

Niall:Can't its impossible

Sam:Impossible really


Sam:Can we just go swimming


Sam P.O.V

I jumped in and Niall followed after me and swam over to me and put his arms around me

Sam:What are you doing

Niall:Holding you close

Sam:Ok your hugs are amazing by the way

Niall:I bet my kisses would be even better

Sam:Ill be the judge of that

Niall P.O.V

I turned her around and put her legs around my waist and we started to kiss

Sam P.O.V

His lips were soft unlike Chris's and i wanted to stay in this moment forever i felt safe in his arms


Sam:There's no rating on that kiss it was to good

Niall P.O.V

I picked her up and went back inside up to my room and she laid in my arms and we both fell asleep

Time Skipped To 8 Hours Later

Sam P.O.V

I woke up but it went in my bed it was in Niall's bed so i got dressed and went downstairs

Niall:Good morning love

Sam:Good morning

Niall:I made pancakes but i got to go meet up with Chris for the new movie he's making but stay here as long as you want

Sam:Well after i finish these i have to go home and get ready for the BQQ im having tonight do you wanna come

Niall:I'd love to

Sam P.O.V

Niall kissed me and then lefted that was the best night of my life i think im gonna choose Niall but I'm gonna give them each three dates then i choose it's going to be so hard cause i like them both very much but they both have their good things and their faws.

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