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A   M O N T H   L A T E R

Maya P.O.V.

"Mommy! I have to pee," Nichayah yelled on the outside of the bathroom. I leaned over the toilet, coughing my entire stomach up. "Okay baby, I'm coming!" I said back to Chayah. Flushing the toilet, I rinsed my mouth out with mouth wash. As I opened the door, Nichayah rushed past me to get to the toilet. I giggled.

I walked into the kitchen, Nick sat at the bar smoking a gas blunt. 

"What's up wife?" Nick said, exhaling the smoke. I gave him a side eye before I opened the fridge door. He cracked a small laugh puffing from his blunt.

"Maya when you gon be an adult and fucking talk to me about how you feel? I mean, it's been a whole fucking month!" he said with anger. I paused with the bottle of orange juice. Then, I turned around. "You have some nerve. You think it's that damn easy to just TALK to you? Especially with the shit YOU'VE done?" I raised my voice. "That shit not my fault!" he yelled. "Yes it is!" I slammed down the bottle of orange juice. I began to cry. "We have been having troubles for years since you felt the need to go and fuck another bitch and GET HER PREGNANT! You have your family, YOU HAVE ME! Why man, why did you do it, and then hook up with the bitch again!" I remained crying.

"Baby, I've told you numerous of times I am sorry. I never mean to hurt you, baby please forgive me," he said walking up to me. He grabbed my arms gently. I resisted at first, fighting him. "Stop fucking touching me!" I cried hysterically. "Baby, please, listen. I'm sorry for everything that I've done to cause you pain," he said with tears strolling down his face. "It's not easy to just get over that shit," I said sniffling, "that's not something you can just sweep under the rug Nicholas."

He nodded. 

"I understand baby, can we please agree to work through this? Please baby, I don't want to lose my family," he pleaded. I looked at him in his eyes, I could see desperation in his eyes. Wiping my eyes, I sniffed. 

"I agree."


Nick P.O.V.

I hate to see the love of my life in such pain and agony. I wish I didn't have such urges of a horny man. I can never seem to shake it, whenever I am around some big booty bitch those urges come. I guess you can say it's me being a nigga. That is no reason to be a ho. I am really changing my ways, I can't keep putting my wife through this hurt and pain.

"Daddy," I felt Chayah tap my thigh. I looked at her. "Can I get some ice cream?" she asked smiling showing all 32 of her teeth. That gap from her missing tooth cracks me up every time I seen it. "Girl you love ice cream,"  I said. "Please daddy," she begged. "Have you eaten yet?" I asked. She folded her arms and frowned. "That's what I thought, come on let's eat some real food," I said grabbing her hand and sitting her at the bar.

As I cooked the vegetables and baked chicken, Nichayan came running from his room.

"Daddy, what's that smell?" he asked in an excited tone. "Food boy," I said laughing. These five year olds were something else, I love my kids. I checked the chicken in the oven and took the pan out the oven. I turned the oven off and turned the stove off. 

"Are y'all ready to eat?" I asked the kids. "Yes!" they both said in unison. "Come sit at the bar man," I said, grabbing plates for my kiddos. "Say y'all prayer," I told them both. Everyone bowed their heads including me. "God is grace and God is good. Let us thank him for our food. Bow our heads, all be fed. Give us lord, our daily bread. In the name of Jesus, Amen.  Oh and God please bless mommy and daddy. Amen," she said. I smiled as they both began to eat.

Maya came from the bedroom to fix herself a plate and strolled into the living room. She sat on the couch, turning on the huge flat screen television. She settled on watching Oxygen, the show Snapped was on. For some odd reason, my wife love watching that shit. I think she was watching it so she could secretly plot on how to murk my ass and get away with it. All the pain I have put her through, I would not blame her. She love me though, she would not kill me. Or would she? 

I laughed to myself. I forever have jokes. 

"Daddy, I'm finished," Chayan said, jumping off the bar. He ran through the kitchen like that lil nigga from Incredibles. I kid you not, Nichayan ran so damn fast I could barely see who he was. He ran to the sink, putting his dishes in then his ass was gone. Zoom, burnt rubber to get back to his room. I couldn't do nothing but laugh my ass off.

"Daddy, Chayan so extra," Nichayah rolled her eyes. "Girl stop rolling your eyes," I told her through the midst of my laughing. "My son got issues man," I said laughing. Maya ran from the spot she was sitting at on the couch, to the bathroom. 

I walked up to the bathroom door and heard the sounds of her throwing up.

"Shit," I heard her say. "I need to take a test."

A test? My wife was pregnant again? At this time? Time is always working against us. But then again, maybe it wasn't. If my wife is pregnant again, maybe this can be the very thing to bring us two together. This can be the thing to bring my family together. A little angel in the midst of all the bullshit going on. Some light through the storm. 

This is what we need.

   stay tuned! ;)

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