Life style of destined people

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A beautiful morning arises, a room is shown, which is full of black and white, some stickers have been sticked here and there... It's not neat... With open chips packet, half eaten bread... Dirty socks on the floor.. shoes on either side of the bed...

Nobody believes it's a girl's room, there a cute girl is shown hugging her pillow and sleeping... It's our Pragya..

Ram called Priya and asked whether Pragya got up.. it's getting late for her job, then she won't take breakfast, and told her to wake her up as soon as possible..

Neil is shown, applying gel for his hair, humming his favourite song.. Priya has to go to kitchen for an urgent work as Robin called her.. She asked Neil to wake up Pragya..

Neil: Uffo, mom she is a lady kumbakarnan ,she won't wake up, I will get beatings for sure then.. please give me breakfast, I am getting late..

Priya: I won't give you breakfast and money ,if you didn't wake her up

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Priya: I won't give you breakfast and money ,if you didn't wake her up...You brothers and your dad are responsible for her behaviours, you people spoiled her with so much of pampering...

Neil: Mom, please cool, take breath mom, I will wake her up (with sad face)

He moved towards her room & he thought his room itself neat and clean compared to hers...

Everyday Robin is cleaning our rooms, then how could her room get spoiled in one night!! He thought.

Neil: Pragya, get up Na... Do you know What's the time? It's nearly 8:30, get up you are getting late stupid..
Because of you ,I am getting scoldings from mom that I have spoiled you with my pampering...

Please Idiot, get up, my beautiful morning is getting spoiled..

Get up...

Get up

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