All for good.

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Here the story starts, Pragya is shown getting ready for her engagement.... Purab is shown impatiently trying to call her but it is switched off....
Bulbul is shown lost in her own thoughts... Abhi too feeling the same condition... He is shown seeing the laptop but her thoughts full of Pragya... He can't forget her.... that's the truth.. he can't forget her...

In Pragya's house,

Pragya is shown looking at the mirror, for the first time she feels happy for wearing saree....  She is shown smiling at her own image in the mirror....
She switched on her phone, she saw 17 missed calls from Purab... She wants to talk to him too but suddenly her dad's words came to her mind..

Pragya in mind: Sorry Purab, I can't attend your will surely ask me to stop the marriage... I won't.... That girl trapped you na... I won't leave her for sure....I should meet her first.... I will meet her and will show my worst side to her...


Abhi : Oh man, why can't I concentrate on my works... I feel like doing a big mistake... I feel restless...

Abhi's heart: you idiot Abhi ,what a stupid reason you have for leaving your love... Don't you think it's foolish..

Abhi's mind: you stupid heart, why are you scolding him... Can't you see .. Pragya is not his type... She is just a opposite pole to him ... How can they be happy together...

Abhi's heart: don't you know opposite poles always attracts... And Pragya... What fault you see in her...
Don't you like her confident and bold nature.... This shows your male chauvinism.. she is in fashion world, she has to dress up like that...

Abhi's mind: you idiot... None will believe that Abhi is showing male chauvanism...he politely behaved with her... Even when she shows her dominant character...

Abhi: yes right, she is not only bold, she is dominant in her behaviour... I thought she is childish, how fool I am?? I even fed her sweet...

Abhi's heart: stop it Abhi... You loved her... You can't talk like this... True Love doesn't expect anything... If it expects , it's not true Love.... And you want Pragya to behave as you like.... Don't you find its selfish.... There is no need for woman to do everything according to her husband's wish... She has her own likes and dislikes... She has freedom to choose her own life... Don't you think Pragya is good at heart??.... Touch me and ask yourself.... You will find the answer....

Abhi is confused and rested his head on sofa.... There he saw his sister is in another world....

Abhi: Bulbul, are you fine? You look like lost in there any problem tell me na....

Bulbul: no bhai.... nothing like that .. I am ok... I just think about something....

Abhi: ok bulbul, shall we go out somewhere ,I feel stressed..

Abhigya Got my soulmate 2 (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now