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After reaching 60 votes, I will continue further friends...


Here the story starts from

Abhi is driving the car silently.. Pragya is sitting with anger beside him..

Pragya: Why did you keep quiet there..? Didn't you think about my image?.. you are bowing before none but before that Bulbul... remember, we are gonna get married... If you did anything, it will affect me also... I don't want to face any humiliations along with you,... Could you got that?? For God sake, please don't spoil my image..

Abhi: I am sorry, I don't think she insulted me.. she is little bit angry at me.. that's it ... And she has every rights to get anger at me.. she is my blood... If you didn't involve, this problem would've solved today.. and for your kind information, we didn't get married still.. and even if we get married, my relationship with my sister will never end.. I think you got it.. don't interfere between me and Bulbul.. I request you.. And other person's image will not be spoiled if siblings got into fight I think... (Looked at Pragya)

Pragya with anger: I am not other person.. I am your would to be wife.. mind it.. it will affect me, if anyone.. means anyone insults you.. even if they are your blood...

Abhi: but you are insulting me more than her, I think.. as I experienced so far...

Pragya: I will insult you.. I have every rights.. but only I have it.. I won't allow anyone to insult or to raise hands against you.. for the name sake husband of mine...

Abhi: I haven't get this much hurt even when Bulbul avoids me.. but your words are pricking me like a thorn.. you can't even know how much I faced because of you... Please don't interfere in my personal things that means with my sister.. whatever the problem between you two.. don't interfere me in your fights..
I felt happy one minute when you speak for me (got tears).. everyone hates me.. I don't know what sin I did...

Pragya: I won't interfere hereafter.. go to hell with your sister.. you have spoiled my life, don't you think it's a sin.. my reputation and my family's reputation everything is spoiled just because of you people... My mansion came.. I am going.. good bye ..

Abhi kept silent wiping his tears without her knowledge

Pragya with anger: I told you good bye Abhi...

Abhi: bye.. bye Pragya..
One minute, trust me I haven't do anything to spoil your life knowingly ... I didn't.

Pragya: tell your stories to some idiots, they will believe you.. but I won't ..

Pragya went inside in anger but somewhat she felt sad for being rude with Abhi.. At that time she didn't think about her image and all but just got anger seeing Abhi requesting Bulbul so much leaving his self respect aside even she knows Bulbul is his own sister, she can't see him getting insulted... With ego, she is not ready to admit it.. she told that she spoke just to save her image but she spoke for Abhi..
She got angered on herself for behaving like that to Abhi... She scolds herself.. after seeing Abhi's tears...

Abhigya Got my soulmate 2 (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now