A twist comes from a twist

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Thank you so much for your valuable votes and comments... Very sorry for delay friends... You know about me so far, right friends!! I hate delay... I hate lagging... Please do continue your support friends!! I promise you all within new year, I will complete this ff.. please do continue your support by voting and to let me update fast... Thanks for reading friends!


Now the story begins,

Abhi is shown standing near Pragya. She is shown sitting in the sofa in a bossy style crossing her legs with each other with anger in her eyes. Abhi felt bad, he didn't know how to apologise her..

Pragya: So.. you are Mr.Abhishek Prem Mehra, you have only one sister, and you don't have anyone other than her.... Belong to a middle class family....

You and your sister planned to became a millionaire by trapping me and Purab... Right!! Your sister Bulbul got succeeded in trapping Purab but you failed to trap me... So, you played this cheap trick, right!! (Throwing the news paper on his face)

He got shocked.... Before he opens his mouth...

Pragya: you not only spoiled my happiness but also my family's... They didn't even talk to me.. my dad just escaped from death...(control her tears) it's all just because of you...

She holds his collars,

Pragya: but I won't let you win... I won't forgive you for sure... I will show a living hell for spoiling my family's name and for spoiling my family's happiness...

Abhi: Pragya, you have misunderstood... I didn't do anything ... I came here to apologise for letting you into this worst situation...I didn't even know about Bulbul's lo...

Pragya: (roared like a lioness) just shut up... Who are you to raise voice against this Pragya Arora... Just keep quiet..

Abhi: Pragya... Please... listen to me...

Pragya: Did you know anything about love... You haven't experienced it right... You don't have family.... Then how could you understand my and my family's broken situation... My and my dad's and my family's reputation is completely spoiled... Are you happy now?? But I won't... I won't allow any failures in my life ... I am Pragya Arora... I won't fail... I won't...
(With fury in her eyes, broken the vessel nearby)

Abhi: Pragya... Cool.... Please don't hurt yourself.... I will...

Pragya: shut up..(shouted)

Abhi kept quiet without no way...

Pragya: Raj... Call the press now itself... I want everything to get solved... Within 2 hours, press should wait in my garden.. could you got it?? If they are not in time, you will be fired....

And you...(Mr.Abhi) get ready... For your punishment..


Pragya went upstairs to get ready... Abhi slumps onto the sofa thinking about the twists happened in his life...

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