My first proposal from My soulmate

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Here the Story starts..

Pragya is shown looking shocked beyond words.. he didn't get her breathe properly.. he looked at Abhi like her eyes may come out anytime...

Abhi with teary eyed , couldn't control but hugged her tight to his chest..
Pragya in shock didn't know what to do.... Her only wish is to get first proposal from her husband and her first proposal should be her soulmate.. she tried to propose Purab.. but by fate.. she didn't.. now she got her first proposal from a person...the word... I love you... Which she wants to hear from her soulmate... Which she longed to hear...

Abhi: I love you Pragya.. I can't control myself (tears fall down his cheek).. you are my everything Pragya.. please don't leave me.. ever.. please.. I love you so much...

Pragya wanted to argue with him... but stops when she saw Bulbul and Purab came to see them.. standing at their back... She got tears thinking of her situation.. she loved someone.. now she's gonna get married to someone.. her only wish went like this...

Pragya (with tears): it's ok .. leave it.. Purab and Bulbul will be waiting for us.. let's go first...

she didn't face him and she smiled at PurBul..she distanced herself from him.. Abhi looked at her longingly..

When they are talking, Abhi kept silent sitting beside Pragya.. Pragya tried her best not to face Abhi.. started chatting with Purab and Bulbul.. that Time Pragya's family came home... They all sat together and started talking and teasing the couples happily...

Purab and Bulbul left from there ... Abhi bid adieu to everyone and finally came to Pragya.. and looked at her longingly... She didn't face him..

Pragya: you go.. it's getting late, bye..

She went from there hurriedly before he opens his mouth... Leaving him in heart broken condition..

Pragya went to her bedroom and started crying thinking of her current condition... Hugging her pillow...

Abhi tried to call Pragya but she blocked him... She started avoiding his topic whenever her family used to talk...

Purab and BulBul's marriage:

Pragya came with her family.. here Abhi came alone with gifts... Abhi wished everyone and tried to speak with Pragya but she avoids him... She didn't wear saree but she wore a long chudi... Accidentally matching to the colour of Abhi's sherwani.. everyone teased them.. Abhi looked at Pragya but she didn't look at him...

When Abhi went to do kanyaadhan.. Abhi calls Pragya to sit along with him like a mom to Bulbul.. Pragya resists saying no.. but Bulbul requested her so much sitting there and everyone.. So.. Pragya went and sat with him for doing kanyaadhan...

The priest words made Pragya to feel like Marriage is such a scared thing... She got respect for it... Seeing the rituals closely for the first time.. she felt happy for Purab and Bulbul.. though she didn't like Bulbul.. she feels like Bulbul will be changed good after marriage .. seeing Purab's love for her...

Abhigya Got my soulmate 2 (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now