Power Of Love

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Hi friends!! Thank you so much for your valuable votes and comments... Thank you so much for waiting...
Here we came for the last part of our story...

Here the message is... Imperfections and opposite to our expectations won't be an obstacle for a pure love...

True love doesn't expect anything if it is... Its not true love...

True love doesn't only know how to point out the mistakes but will try to find other good things to keep mistake far or less important...


Here the story starts...

Pragya and Abhi came back to their home.. Where it is shown Abhi is hugging Pragya, hitting their foreheads together.. Pragya is shown smiling..

Abhi: do you know what.. I haven't expected such a thing will happen in my life... You proposed me... I couldn't believe.. Thank you.. Thanks for accepting my love.. (kissing her forehead) finally i got my you..

Pragya : stop your boring bakbaks.... Abhi.. Its time.. I have to get ready...

Abhi : where are you going in this time.. It's late night..

Pragya : I'm going to pub.. Its already late.. You know right... I have to give party to my friends.. As it's really a great hit.. I must go...

Abhi: ok.. But i don't think it's safe.. I will accompany you...

Pragya : no need for that.. I will manage.. It's routine for me. You go and take rest..

Abhi: are you sure.. But i will feel restless... Thinking of you.. Please shall i come with you.. I promise.. I won't disturb you...

Pragya in mind : aww.. Such a sweet.. My Abhi is... But i don't want your sleep to get spoiled.. I know you are already tired... Let me put you to sleep and then i will leave..

Pragya: ok then let's sleep.. I will give them party tomorrow evening...

Abhi: no.. No need for that.. Don't get upset.. We will go today itself.. If you are not comfortable.. You go alone but message me every half an hour... If not.. I will come there immediately.....

Pragya with a smile : i love you.. Abhi ...... (kissed his cheeks) what good thing i did to get you...

Abhi: hey.. It's my dialogue... (with a smile, hugging her tighter) do you know what.. You looked like an angel in that saree.. Now look at yourself... These modern dresses didn't suit you.. (earning glare from her) not like that.. What i mean is.. For me.. I like when you wear dresses like my mom.. Like chudi, sarees with your cute specs (touching her cheeks).. When you wear saree and came near to me.. I feel like i got my mom again.. My mom is alive still...

Pragya silently listens to him with a smile..

Pragya : ok.. I will try to wear those things.. (with a sigh) let me get ready...


When Pragya leaves for the pub.. Abhi stood at the door step...

Abhi: don't forget to message me.. If not i will come there. Then strictly . Don't take drinks... As per papa's request... Please don't take it..

Abhigya Got my soulmate 2 (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now