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Hi friends!! How are you All.. Hope you are all fine.. Thank you so much for your valuable votes and comments. Thank you so much for waiting friends..

🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸

Here the story starts..

Abhi and Pragya reached home.. Abhi got ready to his office and Pragya too got ready for her office.. Abhi went back to his cabin. To his shock ,someone beats him from his back.. It's none other than his friend Ranveer who got scoldings from Pragya because of Abhi..

Abhi is laughing thinking of Pragya's reaction when he talked with Ranveer like his girlfriend.. He shared it with his friend about his wife jealous reaction.. They laughed together.. Ranveer felt happy for his friend..

There Pragya is shown shouting at her staffs for their irresponsibility.. After lot of arguments and shoutings.. She made her staffs to complete their works.. She attended the clients.. And then.. Cracked the deal.. She got a big fashion show project for the first time which will be surely became a milestone in her career.. She got very glad and shared it with her family members.. Her dadi told her that Abhi is her lucky charm.. As after getting married.. She cracked a big deal.. Pragya gets into thinking..

She reached the flat tiredly but she is surprised that Abhi didn't come still.. She went in and got freshen up and sat with her laptop for designing dresses for the upcoming fashion show..

It is 7'O clock.. Still Abhi didn't came.. She got hungry.. Starts eating chips 🍟 watching cricket.. It becomes 9.. Pragya got scared thinking of Abhi.. She called him but it is switched off.. She called Neil but there is no info about Abhi.. She got worried 😓 of him... Changes the channel to News.. It's shows some accident of some person who is dead.. Pragya got scared.. She thinks of Abhi and got uneven in breath.. She already has wheezing problem.. Now it becomes severe.. Thinking of person as Abhi. She goes to kitchen walking with difficulty to get some water....

That time Abhi opened the door and gets in. Pragya got her breath back.. She moves fast towards him.. Abhi smiled thinking of hug.. But what he got was slap.. He got shocked....

Pragya :won't you switch on your phone idiot.. Do you know how much i was scared, that too i saw accident news.. won't you come early.. Idiot..

Abhi:, sorry.. I won't repeat this again.. I went yo to my friend's house to see his sick mom.. And got late.. Battery drained out in my phone.. And it is switched off..

Pragya :Always giving reasons to me... Err.. Go away..

Abhi :sorry (holding his ears cutely) if i knew my wife will get worried this much, i would have informed her.. Sorry (with a smile)

Pragya : i didn't get worried of you and all.. I scared to answer my family if something happens to you..

Abhi:like if i dead..

Pragya : (pulled his ears) won't you speak good words idiot.. I mentioned about injury stupid..

Abhi: sorry (screaming) leave me please.. I'm already tired....

Pragya :Go..

Abhigya Got my soulmate 2 (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now