Part 17:

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It was 9:30 and visiting hours at the hospital would be open soon. I made my way to the bus stop, I didn't take my car Jesse told me not to. Anyways my bus came. Thoughts starting rushing in my head. I haven't seen my dad in years, what if he actually was lying like my mum said? But why would he lie about something like that, about death. That's not a joke.

After a few stops I finally reached the hospital it was 10:00 and I was on time for visiting hours. I went to the reception and asked for my dad. "Walk on down to the fifth door on your right." Said the lady on the counter. I thanked her and carried on walking. I was so nervous, I was not ready to see him, but I had to. I knocked on the door and manly voice said "come in". I took a deep breath and twisted the door handle. There I saw him, lying in bed looking pale af. "Nadia omg come here." He said I ran into his arms and once again the waterworks began. I finally pulled away and took a seat on the chair next to him. "I'm so sorry dad, I didn't know she'd do that. Please forgive me." I said holding his hands. "Forgive You, please there's nothing for you to apologise for. It should be me, I'm the one that walked out of your life out of nowhere. Don't cry." He said while wiping my tears. "So what's been going on? Have you got a job?" He said. "Yh I'm starting modelling in a few weeks, but I've got a small job In Gucci just to get a head start."
"So do u get free stuff." He said laughing.
"I don't think so and tomorrow's my first day."
Nadia and her dad spent ages talking. It was 1:20 and Jesse would be here soon.

"Dad, have you eaten?" I said looking him in the eyes. "No, I'm not hungry." He said looking down. "Wdym no? You have to eat. I'm going to get us food from the canteen." I said walking out the door. I went down to the canteen and went through the sandwich isle. I got us both two tuna sandwiches and two orange juices. I turned around and bumped into someone. "Oh sorr- hold on your the boy that called me ugly at the cinema." I said screwing him. "Yh I'm sorry about that my friends were taking the piss out of me." He said looking at the floor. I could see he was actually sorry. "It's fine but honestly you should reconsider your friends if they're making you feel bad." I said after paying and grabbing my bag. "So why are you in a hospital?" I said walking out the line and letting him pay. " I'm visiting my dad, he's got cancer."
"Omg I'm so sorry." I said rubbing his arm.
" it's fine, why are u here tho?"
"Same with me, visiting my dad. He's got a brain tumour."
"I'm sorry." He said
"Don't be, anyways I've got to go. I guess I'll see you around..?" I said waiting for him to say his name. "Oh Erm Vier." He said. "Nice name too bad you had to ruin it at the cinema." I said laughing. "I'm nadia." I said before walking out. I went up to my dads room to see he was sleeping. I must've taken long if he fell asleep. It was 2:10, I left the bag of food with a note. Please eat, and here's my number. Text me when you wake up. Love you, Nadia.
I made my way outside. When I got a call from Jesse.
J- Hey Nadia u at the hospital.
N- yh dad fell asleep so I'm about to walk out.
J- I'm sorry but trainings going over time, do u want me to call you an Uber.
N- no it's fine I'll just take the bus.
J- are you sure? Or you can wait and I'll come pick you up a little later.
N- no it's fine honestly. Now get back to training.
J- alright then, bye
N- bye.

I went to the bus stop and the bus was taking ages, I wish I brought my car and hadn't listen to jesse🤦‍♀️. Jesse, the one name that makes me nervous. I promised my self no men, all they do is leave once they find something better. And there will always be something better than me. I can't help it, I like him. A lot.

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