Chapter 08

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"Oh my god, Abi!", Hanna screamed through the phone.

"Whose voice was that? Do you have a boys visitor? It really didn't sound like Derek."

She still looked at the grinning Tyler. "Asshole! Asshole! Asshole", Abigail thought.

"Err.. he's just here because...", she began but didn't know an explainable reason for him to be here.

She throwed a pillow at him angrily about this whole situation but, of course, he caught it perfectly.

Abigail gave him an angry look when Tyler suddenly answered: "Hey, Han. I'm here because I needed a few books from Abi. You know, to study."

Hanna obviously believed it because she just laughed a bit. "Ok, well, when you still want to take us to the shopping centre, you better hurry up. It isn't open the whole day, ok?"

She just rolled her eyes

Tyler smiled and said goodbye and said that they'd be there in half an hour.

"Never ever listen to my conversations again or I'll kill you", she said angrily.

Tyler dramatically put a hand on his heart and said:" What? You know I'd be here. I wanted to borrow some school books, remember?"

She hit him angrily and he just grinned.

"Come on, Abi! We have to go!", he said and left her room but came back once just to say: "Btw, you owe me!", and then turned.

She was really angry now.

She owed him?

Because he lied for me?

Well, she wouldn't have been in this situation without him.

"May I open the door for you, young lady?", Tyler said and held open the door like a gentleman. He chuckled and she just rolled her eyes and went inside.

The quiet was silent. She looked at him inconspicuous.

She had to admit, he really looked handsome. His brown hair was short and messy, what made it look sexy. He wore black jeans and a white top that showed his muscles underneath.

His mouth....

"Fun by drooling all over me?", he asked arrogantly while looking on the street.

She blushed and immediately looked at the ground.

He chuckled.

"God, it's so sweet when you blush", he said in a soft voice.

"Well, where's Hanna's house now?", he asked me and she cleared her throat to answer.

After five minutes full of awkward silence they finally arrived.

Han already waited for them.

She wore pink shorts and a white tank top. Her curly and unnatural hair was blonde. She wore much to much make up and also a pink lipstick.

To Tyler, she looked like a real slut.

He gave her a polite fake smile, after all she was Abi's Friend, and held open the door like a gentleman so she can get in.

She giggled like a baby and took a seat.

He just rolled his eyes by her baby behaviour when he turned around and sat back down.

She was so different from Abigail. Abigail's eyes were also seablue, like his, expect that she has a spot of green on her right eye that looked just adorable on her.

Her hairs were open and also curly, but on a natural way.

She wore a brown top with a jeans hotpans that showed her perfect brown skin. Her mouth was also red but a bit lighter and, of course, more beautiful.

She had a kind smile formed on her face that just caused you to smile together with her.

"You can't imagine how much I missed shopping with you", Hanna said and turned him back into the present.

"Typical girls. I really can't understand what's so interesting at going from shop to shop all the time just to have your hands full of bags with clothes and your pocket empty. At the end, you don't wear most of these things anyway", he replied.

Abi laughed and hit my shoulder playfully.

"You shouldn't say something like this in Hann's present. She has an addiction for shopping."

"You have so no idea! Shopping is one of the best things ever!", Hanna squeeled what caused Tyler to laugh and even Abi joined in what made Hanna's face even redder and them even more laugh but suddenly Hanna joined in too.

"Maybe Hanna isn't that annoying. At least she has a small sense of humor", Tyler thought.

"Ok, we arrived!", he said and parked the car near the mall.

They got out of the car and he winked at them.

They mumbled a 'thank you for the ride' and walked to the mall. Well, a bit time for himself.

He headed towards the electronic shop on the other side of the mall.


sorry, it was a filler for the next part.

It'll be in Abi's POV, and just in Abi's.

Don't miss it :)

next update will most likely be Saturday to Sunday or earlier :)

Stay tuned!

Lots of hot boys like Tyler & sixpacks,

Laura ;p

Ps: Before I forget I'll post another story.

Name: My new identity.

I won't give out more information! ;P

I'll probably post the first part next week

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