Chapter 09

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Abigail's POV

She forgot something.

Why did she have this feeling that it had something to do with Hanna?

Everything she can remember was how she hit the floor, unconsicous, after drinking the juice.

A woman, wings, glitter...

"Oh my god, Abi! Look at that shirt! Isn't it wonderful?", Hanna asked, ripping her out of her thoughts.

She pouted her finger to a shining red top that just looked stunning.

In less than one minute she was in the changing room and when she got out she had to admit that Hanna looked georgous.

She gave her a thumbs up and one hour later she had four bags full of clothes and, of course, a big smile on her face.

Abigail just bought three tops and two hotpants.

Since her parents died she wasn't so addicted into shopping like usual and her parents didn't leave so much money to her.

A few minutes later they sat in the cafe in the Flowerstreet together.

"We can sit elsewhere if you want to", she said and touched her hand symphatetic.

She looked at the chair in the corner of the cafe.

Hanna, my mum and her always used to sit there.

Flashback (Abigail's POV)

"Oh god. That's so typical Hanna! You already have two bags full of clothes and we are just here since ten minutes."

She laughed like an angel and stood there with two bags in each hand.

"You have to talk Mrs Shan! Look at your bags. You are a real shopaholic!", she said with a big laugh in her voice. "Ok, ok, you caught me, but please honey, call me Maria. You're like a daughter to me now. Abi, why are you so silent today?", my mum laughed. "No reason. I just enjoy these moments with the two of you. You are my best friends in the whole universe!", I replied truthfully.

"Aww, you're so sweet! I have an idea. Let's take a photo together to hold on to that moment", my mum said with a happy voice. Hanna squeeled. "Yeah, that's such a great idea!"

My mum took out her camera and said "Drama baby, drama" in such a hilarious voice that we all had to laugh so hard that this photo is a total fail.

Hanna laughed like a little child and her hairs flow in her face so that she looked like the girl in "the ring". I had my eyes closed because I laughed so hard and my mouth looked like the mouth of a fish. Only my mother looked flawless as usual.

Her blonde, straightened hair was in ponytail. Her teeth were white like always and she had brown, clear skin.

Hanna had her arm around us and we looked like one happy family.

Then we sat happily in our favourite cafe and we laughed about jokes that my mum always used to make. She was one of the happiest persons I've ever known of.

Five years passed by since my mum and my dad died and there was no day I didn't think at them. Dad with his serious look that I always found so funny and of course the beautiful angel smile of my mother. For me they were always like fairytale characters because they loved each other so much and they always looked so stunning just like snowwhite and....


Suddenly Hanna ripped her out of her thoughts again by tipping on her shoulders all the time.

"Hey, you don't even listen. This is serious!", Hanna said and looked a bit angry.

She tried to wipe away her tears unnoticed by thinking at her lovely parents - but too late.

Hanna already noticed, came around the table and hugged her.

"Sweety, they are... dead for five years now and I know that it's hard to accept but you have to move on. Should I call Tyler, Abi?"

Abigail tried a smile. "Nah, this is our day. Please tell me now what you wanted to say.

You said it's serious."

"Well, ok but that isn't that important."

My dream, glitter, wings, Hanna...

"Well, I met..", she started.

"You have a boyfriend!", I pouted out and immideatly held my hand over my mouth. Shit. Shit. Shit.

She just remembered her dream and what Redlips said.

It just slipped out of her mouth. Hanna must think that she stalked her or something...

She looked confused and a bit shocked.

"Yeah, but how do you know? I'm pretty sure that I didn't tell anyone. I just met him once a few weeks ago at the other side of town.

How - do - you - know, Abigail - Shawn!?", she spoke every word slowly and her eyes kept looking into hers.


"Well, I didn't. I just guessed, you know? I mean, you have a new boyfriend every week, right?"

"Oh my god. Stupid me and my big mouth. Did I really just say that? Damn", she thought regretfully.

She obviously did say it loud because Hannas face first turned white, than she opened and closed her mouth like a fish, about to say something.

Her face turned red now and she stood up in an instant.

"Did you just call me a slut!? Oh my god. At least I live my life and not being locked up in my room all the time, even Derek has enough from you or didn't you notice how he's flirting with Diana all the time? Oh my god, all this time you didn't think at anyone else but yourself.

You cried at my shoulder everyday about the loss of your parents but did you ever think at me?

I never met my real parents. Do you think I was fine when your parents died? Well, I wasn't. Maria was like the mum for me I never had. You wanted to know why Chris broke up with me, didn't you?

Well, everytime I was together with him and you called and told me how bad you felt I immideatly came over to you.

One day you called again and he said when I'd leave now that he would leave me as well but I chose you. I immediately came over to you, because you WERE my best friend. After that I tried to distract myself with other boys but nobody could replace Chris." A few tears rolled over her cheek.

She was really touched by her words. She never talked that honest to Abigail, but she was right.

All this time she was so selfish and just thought about herself.

Oh my god! Abigail lifted her gaze from the face refretfully and was about to stand up but Hanna was already gone.

"You were my best friend" Past.

Her boyfriend flirts with her friend Diana.

Hanna broke up with Chris because of her.

Hanna also lost a 'mother'.

She looked to the ground, ashamed of himself, when she saw a bag that Hanna obviously forgot.

She picked it up and when she wanted to open it a paper fell out. She grabbed it andread it while her face got filled with tears.


Well, the sweet letter will be shown in the next chapter.

I don't have the time to write anymore. I'm sorry.

Stay tuned ♥

I hope this long chapter can make it up to you guys for this long waiting time.

I just switched to another school and it was all very stressful but now I'm back and I'll be uploading more often, I hope. :)

Lots of love & little cats,

Laura ♥

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