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Chapter Twenty | Good Hands

Chapter Twenty | Good Hands

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The past week had been a worrying time not only for the Swans but the Cullens as well. The first day had passed normally but come the morning of the second, Edward had voiced the absent concern that Alex hadn't spoken to him since yesterday. That too had passed until night had fallen and the boy had left much like he had in recent months although, coming back in a frenzy of concern hadn't been a common occurrence.

Alex was gone—had been for at least two days—but none of them were able to help, Alice especially, as they were all shocked to hear the news of the young woman's absence. There'd been no lead-up to it, no hint at all. She had been a pleasure to meet when she had come around, fitting into their family so effortlessly that most of them could see a future where it worked out for all involved. And still, somehow, they'd missed any of the possible signs.

In the days of continued silence, Edward infiltrated the mind of Charlie Swan and found nothing of any use save for the fact that the woman had left of her own accord, taking the man's unoccupied vehicle with no further word to anyone.

They remained in dark until Alice, previously on a hunt with Jasper, burst into their home with wide eyes. "Charlie and Bella will be here in two minutes."

All movement halted. Esme and Carlisle had been in the kitchen, the woman having cooked up a storm like she had in the last few days, hoping it would somehow draw the older Swan home. Rosalie and Emmett had been in their room and Edward on his balcony, rarely around unless he had any reports on the woman.

Now though, everyone gathered downstairs at Alice's outburst and it was Esme who broke the silence first. "Alex?" A simple word with so many questions behind it.

Alice frowned, sparing her eldest brother a glance. "No. . . but she's—she's back. She has to be. They were looking for her and Charlie said she'd be here."

Esme mirrored the young woman's expression, distress rising. "Here, she echoed, "But why? It's been a week almost and no word. I don't think. . ," she didn't think there was any reason for their home to be a priority before the Swan residence but, she stopped herself from voicing it aloud. There were few reasons but they existed. Warm gold flicked in Edward's direction as he stared unseeingly ahead. All the eyes looking at him every few moments seemed to be lost on him.

Carlisle watched with a slight downturn of his lips, "I'll speak to them. If anyone," he pointedly didn't look at his son, "If anyone needs to get away, please don't hesitate." For the sake of their mental and emotional state and the safety of the Swans. 

The doctor knew he and his wife would be fine and Edward as he had recently fed but the others, he knew, would face some struggle. Jasper, in particular, but individually, they trusted Alice to do best by her mate and so when they merely migrated to another room, no one questioned it.

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